Page 138 - Antennae Issue #52
P. 138

shelves crammed with plant themed books and a a a a a a a a a a rather large 40 year old Pachycormus discolor bonsai — the the the the impression is is is that of of being in in the the the the study of of a a a a 19th-century naturalist In his guest bedroom stacked floor to ceiling hundreds of dusty old slide carousels are meticulously cataloged by year geographical location and and plant specital
es It w as a a a a a a a a a a a a a long week that we we we spent there looking through slides and and we we we barely scratched the surface n n n n n such souls contributed to Xerophile and many more that we we we didn’t include because we we we were limited by space We have enough material for sevesral svoliumoesnif wse find the the time and opportunity to to do it it it it imp The excerpt below is from an an interview that we did with one of of the the the con-
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who recently died at at the age of 97 Cactus Store: Did you ever shed a a a a a a tear at the sight of a a a a a a plant?
John Lavranos: At the beginning of of of my adventures I I I was often overcome
with excitement I’ll never forget when I I I I found two specimens of of of Whites- loanea It’s a a a a a a a a a a a a a a four-angled cube about seven inches tall tall totally spineless When I I I I I I found it it it I I I I I I literally almost fell over I I I I I I was was on on on my way to to take a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a crap if I I I I I I I may be excused in in in in in the early morning Suddenly I I I I I I I was was was was confronted with this incredible plant! I I I I wasn’t looking looking for for it it I I I I was was was looking looking for for a a a a a a a a a a place to lay an egg Cactus Store: How do you you reflect on your life in the the field with these plants?
John Lavranos: I can tell you one thing: it’s been an an an an an absolutely marvelous life You interact with with these things and after so so many years—we’re talk- ing ing sixty years—you feel at one with with them GA: Do you have a a a a private collection of cacti beyond the the ones in the the store? CS: Of course we do Our plants are our our family GA: Do you have a a a a a favourite cactus variety?
CS: We all have favorites My own attention to certain plants often follows the seasons For instance I might discover a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a whole new appreciation for Adro- mischus or or or or or Tylecodon during Winter Also tastes evolve and change Maybe I’ll go into next spring with new excitement for Northeastern African succu- lents that until now only registered to to me me as as finicky whithered sticks Max Martin and and Carlos Morera opened their Echo Park outpost in in 2014 to sell potted cactuses and and suc- culents for new-school home decor and and and landscaping and and and inadvertently became interested in in in in an an an an old-school cactus collecting culture As they explain: “Since the the the 1930s Southern California has been home to a a a a a a rich net- work of of cactus and and succulent clubs societies and and shows Evidence of of this history is is is stored away all over the Southland — go to to a a a a a a longtime cactus collector’s garage and and you’ll likely find shoe boxes stuffed full of old succulent newsletters and and magazines stacked up next to the Christmas decorations and and boogie boards” 138 antennae

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