Page 189 - Antennae Issue #52
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v v 11 1856 p p p p p p p p p p p 243) “Telegraph “Telegraph plants” plants” were also known as as as “Semaphore plants”: the the the the first use use of the the the the word semaphore in in reference to English use use was in in 1816 Presumably the the the the appellation “Telegraph “Telegraph Plant” must have appeared between this date and and the the the the 1850s as as as “semaphoric telegraphs” were built all around Europe and India [33] Copies of these films are held at at the the th Gaumont Pathé Archives Paris [34] As quoted in in Tompkins and Bird op op cit p p p p p 78 [35] Ibid p 80 [36] Lawrence L L L G “Electronics and and the Living Plant” Electronics Electronics World October 1969 p p p p p 28 [37] Tompkins and and Bird op cit p p p p p 79 [38] The The German plant plant plant physiologist Wilhelm Pfeffer made four time‐lapse films films between 1898 and and and 1900 corroborating some of of Dar- win’s contested ideas on on on plant plant plant sensitivity and and irritability On these early plant‐motion films films see Gaycken O O “The Secret Life of of Plants Visualizing Vegetative Movement 1880‐1903” Early Popular Visual Visual Culture vol 10 no 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 February 2012 p p p p p 51‐69 [39] Colette Colette “Cinéma [Magie des films d’enseignement]” (1924) in in in in in in Colette Colette et e e et le le le cinéma Paris: Paris: Fayard 2004 p p p p p 369 [40] Bilinsky B B “Le costume” L’Art Cinématographique Paris: Félix Alcan 1929 p p p 56 [41] See Castro Castro T T “À l’écran le l végétal végétal s’anime: cinéma cinéma animisme et et sentience des plantes” in in in in in Castro Castro T T Pitrou P P P P P and Rebecchi M (eds ) Puissance du du végétal végétal et et cinéma cinéma animiste La vitalité révélée par la la technique Dijon Presses du du réel 2020 p p p p p p 41‐73 [42] Tompkins Tompkins and and Bird Bird op cit p p p p 78 [43] Tompkins Tompkins and and Bird’s book doesn’t refer to to to the the the the the Dogon but in in in in in in in 1976 Robert K K G G Temple Temple had had made popular the the the the the thesis according to to to which the the the the the latter had had been in in in in in in tin touch with intelligent extraterrestrial beings from the the the the the Sirius Sirius star system (cf Temple Temple R R K K G G The Sirius Sirius Mystery New York: St Martins Press 1976) [44] Epstein J “Photogénie de d de de l’impondérable” (1935) Écrits sur le le cinéma vol 1 1 1 1 1 Paris: Seghers 1974 p p p 250 [45] See “Bio‐Sensing art in in in in in the the 1970s Data Data Garden Garden Interviews Bio‐Art Pioneer Richard Lowenberg” Data Data Garden Garden September 20 20 20 2011: https://www https://www datagarden org/post/richard‐lowenberg‐interview (last (last accessed accessed November November 1st 2019) Images turned for the the sequence have been made available by Lowenberg on https://www https://www youtube com/watch?v=OR4ZNV3hU7o (last (last accessed accessed November November 1st 2019) [46] Lowenberg R R “Environetic Synthesis” Radical Software vol II no 1 1 1 1 1 winter 1972 p p 44 [47] According to a a a a a a a a a a a a a a New Scientist article from 1973 “Green Music” was also presented at at the the Edinburgh Festival that same year: Re- ichardt art cit p p 346-347 [48] The composition and audience reactions are audible at: https://archive org/details/RE_1972_10_18 (last accessed November 1st 2019) [49] Bateson G Steps to an an Ecology of of Mind: Collected Essays in in Anthropology Psychiatry Evolution and Epistemology Chicago: University of Chicago Press 1972 [50] Downey J “Technology and Beyond” Radical Software vol 2 2 2 no no 5 5 5 Winter 1973 p p 2 2 2 [51] Produced by by Anglia Television Television Tales o of the Unexpected was was aired aired aired on on on on on British ITV aired aired aired between 1979 and and and 1988 [52] The episode is tis is is is is is called “Daisies” Darkroom was was produced by by Universal Television Television and and and aired aired aired on on on on on ABC in in in 1981‐1982 [53] On such films see Knee A A A A A “Vegetable Discourses in in in in 1950s Science Fiction Fiction Film” (in Keetley D D D D and and and Tenga A A A A A Plant Horror Ap- proaches to the the the Monstrous Monstrous Vegetal Vegetal in in in in in Fiction Fiction and and and Film Film London: Palgrave MacMillan 2016 p p p 145‐162) Howe A A A A A “Monstrous Flora: Cinematic Plant Plant Antagonists of of the the the the Post‐World War II Era” (in Vieira P P P P P P and and and and and and Gagliano M M M M M The The Green Thread: Dialogues with with the the the the Vegetal Vegetal World World Lanham: Lexington Books 2016 p p p 147‐163) and and and and and Adamson J J and and and and and Sandilands C C C “Thinking Plant Plant Plant Politics with with The The The Day of of of of the the the Triffids” (in Gagliano M M M Ryan J J C C Vieira P P P P P (ed ) ) ) The The Language of of of Plants Minneapolis: University of of of Minnesota Press 2017 p p p 234‐ 252) [54] Mescher M M M and De Moraes C “Role of of Plant Plant Sensory Perception in Plant‐Animal Interactions” Journal of of Experimental Botany November 2014 p p 430 [55] Chamovitz op cit [56] Snyder G G G “Revolution in in in in the the Revolution Revolution Revolution in in in in the the Revolution” Regarding Wave New New York: New New Direction Books 1967 p p p p p 39 [57] Baker J Plants Are Like People How to Grow a a a a a a a a a Healthier Happier Garden Los Angeles: Nash Publishing 1973 189 Teresa Castro is is is Associate Professor in Film Studies at at at at the the the the Université Sorbonne Nouvelle She was a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a post-doc- toral researcher at at at at the the the the the musée du quai Branly Paris and and at at at at the the the the the Max Planck Institute for the the the the the History of of of Science Berlin A significant part of of her her recent recent research research focuses on on the the the the links between film and and and animism eco-criticism and and vegetal life forms in in in in visual culture In this context she she recently published « The Mediated Plant » (E-flux 2019) 2019) co-edited the the collective book Puissance du du végétal et et cinéma animiste La vitalité révélée par par la la la technique (Dijon Presses du du réel 2020) and participated in in the the exhibition Plant Revolution! (CIAJG Guimarães 2019) 2019)