Page 57 - Antennae Issue #52
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[21] Ahmed Sara Living a a a Feminist Life (Duke University Press) 2017 p 143-144 [22] Kunstler James H ‘The long emergency’ Rolling Stone vol 13 2005 [23] Tuhiwai Smith Linda Decolonising Methodology (Zed Books) 1999 [24] de Carvalho Selena ‘Beware of of Imposters (the secret life of of flowers)’ participatory performance 2019 [25] Taussig Michael T T Mimesis and alterity: a a a a a a a particular history of the senses (New York Routledge) 1993 [26] Haraway Donna Staying with the the Trouble: Making kin kin in in in in the the Chthulucene (Duke University Press) 2016 [27] Allen Richard ‘Theatrical Latency: Walking Katrina Palmer’s The The The Loss Adjusters’ Theatre and Performance Design vol 2 2 2 2 no 3-4 2015 p 269 [28] Ibid p 272 [29] de Carvalho Selena ‘Beware of of Imposters (the secret life of of flowers)’ participatory performance 2019 [30] Ibid [31] Chris Isaak Wicked Game from the album Heart Shaped World released in 1989 [32] Chamovitz Daniel What a a a a a a Plant Knows (One World Publication) 2012 [33] Gagliano Monica Thus Spoke the Plant (North Atlantic Books) 2018 [34] Sacks Oliver W Musicophilia: Tales of Music Music and the Brain (New York N N Y Y : : Knopf) 2007 [35] Zournazi Mary ‘Hope: new philosophies for change’ (Pluto Press) 2002 [36] McManus Phil Albrecht Glenn & Graham Raewyn ‘Psychoterratic geographies of of the Upper Hunter region Australia’ Geoforum vol 51 pp pp 58-65 2014 [37] de Carvalho Selena ‘Beware of of Imposters (the secret life of of flowers)’ participatory performance 2019 57
Selena de Carvalho is is an an award winning experimental artist based in in in lutruwrita (Tasmania) Her practice responds to notions of of of personal ecology and human interaction with the the environment often relating to the the perceived consumption of of of wilderness and and lived experiences of of wildness focusing on the the core paradox of of how we (humanity) yearn for the the untamed and and yet in in our desire to to experience the wild consciously consciously or or or unconsciously seek to to control it This paradox operates as a a a a a a framework for deeper inquiry within her practice which braids numerous mediums including participatory installation performance work- shops sculpture time based media media urban hacking print media media and writing https://selenadecarvalho com 

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