Page 18 - Linkline Yearbook 2017
P. 18
Mr John Henry B.E., MIEI, FCILT
John is a Chartered Engineer and has worked in Ireland and overseas in both the public and private sectors. In the early 1980s, he was involved in the development of a settlement strategy for the Greater Dublin Area followed by a two-year period spent on a traffic and road maintenance contract
in the Middle East. He was involved, from the start, in the Dublin Transportation Initiative (DTI) and arising from this became the first Director/Chief
Executive of the Dublin Transportation
Office (DTO) in 1996. One of the highlights of his career at the DTO was the development of the most comprehensive transport strategy ever devised for Dublin – “A Platform for Change”. John retired from active service in May 2010 but maintains a keen interest in transport matters.
Mr Gerry Boylan CMILT
Gerry is head of Logistics and International Customer Service for Diageo’s beer business based in Dublin. The operation manages 330,000 deliveries to 12,500 customers
annually across 137 global markets. For the last 19 years he has worked across Diageo in a number of functions including sales, production, HR, supply chain development and logistics. He holds a bachelor of commerce degree from UCD and a Master’s in business studies from the Smurfit graduate school of business.
Ms Janet Kavanagh CMILT
Janet Kavanagh is a member of the Institute having received her Diploma in 2012. With over 15 years’ experience in Sales & Marketing, Operations Excellence & Management, Janet is currently responsible for Purchasing
& Stock Management at Lily O’Brien’s Chocolates with a special interest in supply chain management & CSR.
Mr Pat Mangan FCILT
Pat Mangan is a former Assistant Secretary in the Department of Transport with extensive experience in transport investment and finance, public transport, road policy and railway safety. He has a particular interest in urban transport planning and oversaw the preparation of the Dublin Transport Initiative and "A Platform for Change."
Mr Ailbe Burke CMILT
Ailbe holds an MSc in Strategic Automotive Management from Loughborough University. He is a Fellow at the Institute of Motor Industry FIMI and also an AAE Advanced Automotive Engineer at the Institute of Motor Industry. He is a MSAE member of the Society of Automotive Engineers SAE and CMILT, Chartered Member at
Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport. His course in Transport Safety Management has won the Safety Award at the ILTA awards last year. He has worked with VOLVO Truck & Bus UK and Ireland and is currently lecturing at Limerick Institute of Technology on the BEng. Transport Technology and Management programme.
Mr Donal Keating CMILT
Donal began his career in Dublin Bus in September 1980 after qualifying with an Engineering Degree from University College Cork. He has worked in several senior management positions in his time in Dublin Bus and
currently holds the position of Head
of Operations. Donal holds an MSc
in Transportation and an MBA. He is
very interested in the role of the bus
in a functioning city like Dublin and
believes that there is an untapped
value that the bus can add to ensure
that a capital city becomes the vibrant,
commercial entity it should be.
Dr Eoin Plant CMILT
Dr Eoin Plant is head of the
National Institute for Transport and Logistics (NITL) at Dublin Institute
of Technology (DIT). Eoin earned
a PhD in 2009 and was previously
an academic at the University of South Wales. Eoin has published peer-reviewed journal articles on sustainable supply chains, and public transport.
Mr Gerard Deegan FCILT
Gerard is Principal Advisor at Tuskar Shipping Agencies; acting as advisor to shippers, ship, port and road transport operators. Previously he worked as Operations Manager, Container Terminal Services, at Port of Cork Company. He has also been engaged in the review of EU funded port, terminal and maritime IT projects. Gerald is currently involved
with the UN Port Training and Development Programme in Ghana, Namibia, Philippines and Tanzania. As non-Executive Director of Royal Liver Assurance, Gerard chaired the Group Remuneration Committee and was
a member of the Audit Committee and Risk Committee. Gerard also lectured on International Trade and Management CPC at Waterford Institute of Technology.
18 The CharTered InsTITuTe of LogIsTICs & TransporT