Page 54 - Linkline Yearbook 2017
P. 54
CILT Graduation 2016
On 26 November, 2016, The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (CILT) held its 15th Diploma in Logistics and Supply Chain Management Gradu-
ation ceremony at the Smurfit Graduate Business School, UCD where a total of 39 students graduated on the day. The ceremony honoured the graduates for their accomplish- ments and hard work throughout the intensive two year programme. Over the four semesters, students studied all facets of logistics and supply chain management from both a theoretical and practical perspective. At the conferring ceremony, each graduate was awarded with their respective Diploma qualifications and Chartered Membership of the Institute in front of their proud families and friends who had joined them to celebrate their achievements.
The awarding ceremony was opened by Pat Treacy FCILT, CEO. Pat acted as the master of ceremonies for the event and having worked closely with the students over the past two years, expressed the pride and satisfaction
he felt for each of them having made it to this point. Pat congratulated all the students and also urged each and every one of them to continue with their academic studies into the future.
Head Lecturer, Larry Banville CMILT, also welcomed the graduates to the ceremony. Larry said in his introductory speech that he was very proud of the students and the journey they had come on so far, but reminded them
also to consider their next journey. Larry went through
what it means to the students being awarded Chartered Memberships of the Institute; how they will now, through the Institute’s many yearly events and seminars, be able to build a wider network that they would not have been able to build by themselves. Larry finished his speech and gave the graduates one parting bit of advice to “be active and stay active with CILT”.
Professor Brian Fynes FCILT then gave his address – a very insightful and entertaining address and wished the students a bright and prosperous future ahead.
The formal conferring of diplomas to candidates, and presentation of certificates then took place. Professor Brian Fynes FCILT presented the graduates with their respective Diploma Certificates while the President of CILT, Paddy Doherty FCILT, presented the graduates with their Chartered Membership Certificates. The closing segment of the presentations was the awarding of
the O’Buachalla Student of the year award which was presented to Dawn Brennan on the day. Dawn received this award for her outstanding academic achievements over the two year diploma course. There was much evidence that Dawn had made exemplary inputs
to further her academic research that achieved her outstanding overall grades.
To close the ceremony, President Paddy Doherty FCILT then addressed the graduates and congratulated them on their achievement and once again encouraged each of the graduates to continue their involvement with CILT and to be part of the on-going development of the Institute.
The students and their families then assembled for photographs and engaged in a celebratory reception where the graduates, their families and friends along with Institute representatives mingled and networked for the afternoon.
CILT congratulates and honours the graduates on their achievements and wishes them well in all their future careers. CILT also looks forward to them being active members of the Institute for years to come.
Finally, the Institute would like to thank all who contributed to the ceremony on the day and especially to Professor Brian Fynes FCILT for being our guest speaker and his colleagues at the Smurfit Business School for the use of their facility for the ceremony.
54 The CharTered InsTITuTe of LogIsTICs & TransporT