Page 7 - Linkline Yearbook 2017
P. 7
President’s Welcome
Dear Members,
It has been a very positive year for the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport as indeed it has been for the Irish economy.
The range of economic indicators show good growth as exemplified by GDP up 4%, exports up 10%, employment up 3% and retail sales up 2% based on year-to-date data. These show that there is good growth in activity across any sectors.
Government projections show continuation in these trends although there are concerns regarding risk and uncertainty arising from Brexit and political changes in USA and in the EU. At the moment most commentary focusses on the risks but as the situation clarifies there will be scope for more focus on opportunities which will undoubtedly arise from these developments also.
The main focus of CILT activity is in the education sector. In this context the government have targeted the creation of 220,000 new jobs over the next five years while simultaneously meeting the demand for 400,000 job replacements by 2020. This presents a significant training requirement to be delivered in the economy and also presents a substantial opportunity and challenge for CILT in our sector.
The National Skills Strategy 2025, published this year, highlights six key objectives:
• Education and training providers will place a stronger focus on providing skills development opportunities that are relevant to the needs of learners, society and the economy.
• Employers will participate actively in the development of skills and make effective use of skills in their organisations to improve productivity and effectiveness.
• The quality of teaching and learning at all stages of education and training will be continually enhanced and evaluated.
• People across Ireland will engage in lifelong learning.
• There will be specific focus on active inclusion to support participation in education and training, and the labour
• Increase the supply of skills to the labour market.
As we are an organisation dedicated to the promotion and fostering of high professional standards in the transport, logistics and supply chain industry, we will obviously be key to the delivery of this strategy. Accordingly, the Institute has in 2016 undertaken the following initiatives:
• Significant improvement of our Diploma Course.
• Introduction of a degree course in conjunction with Carlow IT.
• Launch of a program of continuous professional development courses in conjunction with Skillnets – these are short
duration courses on specific topics for the sector.
• Redesign of our website to improve member information and engagement.
These are just examples of our ambitious development programme which is described in more detail by our CEO Pat Treacy.
The significant progress made this year is a credit to the whole management team, the Irish Council who give very generously of their time and expertise and also to many members who actively support the Institute.
I would also like to thank our many partners in the sector with whom we work very closely. Department of Transport Tourism and Sport, Health and Safety Authority, Road Safety Authority, and many third level colleges.
Finally I would like to wish all members and their families a very Happy Christmas and wish you all the best for 2017.
Paddy Doherty
CILT Ireland President
The CharTered InsTITuTe of LogIsTICs & TransporT 7