Page 74 - Linkline Yearbook 2017
P. 74
Journey Routing and Planning Management 15 hours (5 Evenings)
The concept of a preventable accident is a eet safety management tool that achieves the following goals: It helps establish a safe driving standard for the driver. It provides a criterion for evaluating individual drivers. It provides an objective for accident investigations and evalua- tions. It provides a means for evaluating the safety performance of individual drivers and the eet as a whole. It provides a means for monitoring the e ectiveness of eet safety programs. It assists in the implementation of safe driving recognition programs.
Management: Does the company have a program for investigating accidents?
Is there a company, accident review committee? Has the company de ned a standard for the safe driving performance of its drivers? Is the carrier’s standard for safe driving su ciently chal- lenging such that it would serve to highlight areas for eet safety improvement? Are the drivers instructed as to what the company standard for safe driving is? Are the drivers instructed about company procedure for evaluating the preventability of accidents?
Train the Trainer QQI level 6
4 Days
The purpose of this QQI Level 6 award is to equip the learner with the knowledge, skill and competence to deliver, assess and evaluate a training and development intervention. For those working in the training area who want to achieve a recognised quali cation, the programme is designed for both new and experienced trainers and all those involved in carrying out training.
Manual Handling Instructor Training 5 Days
This comprehensive 5 day Quality and Quali cations Ireland (QQI) Speci c Purpose Manual Handling Instruction (level 6) certi cate course covers all the aspects of instructing in manual handling as outlined in component speci cation 6N0233. This is an intensive and highly interac- tive course which will equip the learner with the knowledge, skill and competence to e ectively design and deliver manual handling training in the workplace. Participants are trained in instruc- tional skills techniques as well as the theoretical and practical aspects of manual handling.
Occupational First Aid Training
3 Days
This is a 3 day course including an examination on nal day. This course covers all aspect of rst aid – identify incidents which require rst aid treatment, how to call the emergency services, fractures, burns, bleeding, cardiac and circulatory conditions, medical emergencies, the use of an Automated De brillator (AED.), etc. Attendance is mandatory on all days in order to be eligi- ble to sit the exam. This is a HSA and QQI approved course and syllabus. Successful participants receive a HSA recognised certi cate, valid for two years.
Fire Warden Training and Evacuation Planning 1 Day
To course aims to provide participants with the knowledge and practical skills to e ectively perform the role and responsibilities of a Fire Warden and to ensure that all participants are adequately trained in the usage of safety equipment ( rst aid, re ghting equipment) as set out under the provisions of the 2005 Safety, Health and Welfare Act and associated regulations and cognisant with re evacuation procedures as set out in the Fire Services Act 1981 (Amended 2003).
Disability Awareness Working with Elderly and Disabled Clients 1 Day
Topics in this course include: history and statistics on disability, di erent disability groups, working with people with di erent disabilities, manual handling and assessment, walking disabled and wheelchair users, risk assessment and the driver’s role, passenger care, child passengers with disabilities and elderly passengers with dementia, managing passenger’s behaviour.
IOSH Managing Safety
4 Days
This course is intended for those required to manage safely and e ectively in compliance with both their organisation’s policy and best practice in health and safety. Managing Safely is a high impact interactive course covering the health and safety management for managers and super- visors in any organisation in any sector. It’s designed to give managers all they need to know to help them handle health and safety in their teams.
Leadership and Management Development
1 Day
This course aims to advance leadership skills. Participants will learn to identify personal leader- ship strengths and weaknesses, recognition personality traits that in uence communication and behaviour, and analyse strengths and weaknesses in business operation. The course will provide knowledge of motivation factors that a ect commitment to work. It will provide a leadership as- sessment (personal assessment of leadership quotient) and a personality analysis (understand- ing personalities, working styles, communication styles and working relationships that promote value). Participants will also gain insight into the motivation process; the drivers of motivation and consequences of shortfalls; the use of evaluations as motivators. The course will also teach how to identify and develop strengths in personnel.
Management Development 2 Days (or 4 Evenings)
In order to gain higher e ciency levels from personnel resources, this course will focus on the four primary responsibilities of the manager/supervisor:
• Sta motivation.
• Leadership: delegating responsibilities.
• Creating cohesive teams.
• People and performance management.
The course will be delivered in four modules, in an interactive workshop style to optimise learn- ing and the development of new competencies.
74 The CharTered InsTITuTe of LogIsTICs & TransporT