Page 5 - Linkline Yearbook 2018
P. 5
Foreword by Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport
The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport is a highly-regarded professional body in the transport and logistics industry and I am glad to be able to acknowledge the valuable and constructive work of the Institute in providing education, training and professional support for the transport and logistics sector in Ireland.
The service provided by our transport and logistics industry is essential, helping to maintain our economy and supporting us all in our day-to-day lives. A vast range of goods are imported, exported and distributed every day. The efficiency and resilience of the sector is due to a large extent to the skills and resourcefulness of the people working in the industry.
The onset of Brexit presents many uncertainties and challenges, with particular concerns for the transport and logistics sector. A new package of road transport regulations that is currently being developed by the European Commission also needs to be considered. In the demanding times ahead, my Department will continue to stand in support of the Irish transport and logistics industry.
CILT has long appreciated the value of promoting high standards and is to be commended for its promotion of professionalism and best practice across the industry, qualities that are all the more important in a challenging environment. Having worked effectively with CILT over many years, my Department values our relationship and we look forward to continued productive co-operation. I would like to take this opportunity to wish the Institute continued success in all of its activities.
Shane Ross
Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport
The CharTered InsTITuTe of LogIsTICs & TransporT 5