Page 61 - Linkline Yearbook 2018
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Musculoskeletal disorders/manual handling. Violence and aggression/challenging behaviour, Lone working. Work- related stress Bullying and harassment, Hazardous substances. Work equipment, the provision and use of work and lifting equipment. Display screen equipment. Every area of health and safety planning and implementation is covered in this programme.
Transport Workplace Safety Design Layout Management: Three Days
The management and assessment of risks, and control measures for Supervising and monitoring workplace transport issues. Supervising & monitoring workplace transport issues. Safe deliveries and unloading at sites. Pedestrian/vehicle separation and Access by members of the public, Eliminating / minimising reversing, Speed limits. Safe driver Training, Drivers as a vulnerable group, Work-related road safety, Safe vehicle. Vehicle selection and maintenance. Overturning vehicles, Falls from vehicles, Objects (including the load) falling off vehicles. Parking vehicles and trailers. This course is vitally important to all Transport workplaces. It is a programme with samples of policies and procedures will assist any transport manager is ensuring safety in the workplace.
Load Securing / Safe Loading and Unloading: Two Days (IRU Certified Safe Loading and Cargo Securing Programme)
The programme includes key elements of the European best practice guidelines on cargo securing for road transport and incorporates the new revised standard. This programme will answer: What are the limitations on axle loads?
Which loading and securing techniques should be applied to a specific cargo? How many lashings and other safety equipment should be used for a specific cargo?
Accident Prevention Programme: One Day
The concept of a preventable accident is a fleet safety management tool. It establishes a safe driving standard and criteria for evaluating individual drivers. It offers an objective for accident investigations and evaluations while evaluating and monitoring the safety performance of individual drivers and the fleets. It also assists in the implementation of safe driving recognition programmes. Management: Does the company have a programme for investigating accidents? Is there a company, accident review committee? Has the company defined a standard for the safe driving performance of its drivers? Is the carrier’s standard for safe driving sufficiently challenging such that it would serve to highlight areas for fleet safety improvement? Are the drivers instructed as to what the company standard for safe driving is? Are the drivers instructed about company procedure for evaluating the preventability of accidents?
Fleet Managers Compliance Awareness: One Day
The course is aimed at managers and supervisors involved with transport operations in the private and public sector. The course will provide an overview of the Transport Operators Licensing system and highlight employers’ and drivers’ responsibilities. It also details areas of legislation that directly affect the operator licence obligations, such as
drivers’ hours rules, the safety of passengers and secure loads on vehicles. The course is classroom-based and is suitable for a maximum of 16 delegates.
Leadership and Management Development: Four Days
This course identifies personal leadership, strengths and weaknesses. It recognises the personality traits that influence communication and behaviour for analysis in the business operation. Knowledge of motivation factors that affect commitment to work and personal assessment of leadership. Understanding personalities, working styles, communication and relationships that promote value. The drivers of motivation and consequences of shortfalls. Use of evaluations as motivators. Identifying and developing strengths in personnel.
Tachograph Management Training: Three Days
The course covers the regulations that govern:
• Drive times
• Mandatory breaks/ resting periods
• Breaks that apply under the rules of the Working Time Directive
• National and international journeys
• Penalties for not maintaining compliance
• Managing digital, analogue and mixed vehicle tachographs
• Identify the commission regulations and statutory instruments appertaining to driver’s hours and the digital tachograph vehicle unit
• Be familiar with the (EC) No.561/2006 Drivers’ Hours Regulations which outline driver hour limitations.
• Be aware of driver and operator liabilities
• Have a practical understanding of the features of the digital tachograph
• Have the ability to read printouts from a driver’s card and from the vehicle unit
• Be familiar with the downloading of data from the driver’s card and from the digital tachograph
• Be able to analyse and archive data
• Describe in speci c terms the knowledge and skills that participants will achieve on successful completion of the programme.
How to apply for a CPD Programmes
Contact Jerry Meredith, Education Services Officer, CILT Direct Dial 01-9068456 or see our website:
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