Page 25 - Linkline Autumn 2016
P. 25
Kevin Byrne FCILT
The governance of any well run organisation such as the Char- tered Institute of Logistics and Transport in Ireland depends very much on a properly constituted annual general meeting. The 2016 AGM took place in accordance with the rules at the CILT headquar- ters on June 30th.
A total of 22 members were present, along with three staff members and invitees from the institute’s auditors, legal team and recruit- ment agency.
Much of the information for discussion and review at the AGM was published in the CILT Annual Report 2015, which had been printed and made available to members well in advance of the meeting date. The vast majority of members received their copy by email in keeping with a decision of the Council some years previously; how- ever printed copies were available on the night for those who chose not to print their own copy. The annual report was adopted on the proposal of Tom Ferris and seconded by Joe Walsh.
The president, Mr Paddy Doherty, chaired the AGM in accordance with protocols and his first action was to welcome the newly-ap- pointed CEO, Mr Pat Treacy, who replaced the outgoing CEO Mr
Tim Hayes. The CEO thanked Mr Hayes for his management and leadership skills which have left the Institute in a better place than when he took over the reins. In addition, the president also noted the recent retirement of the training and education manager, Mr Jim Kearney and thanked him for his work in that capacity.
An important element of any AGM is the acceptance of the minutes of the previous year; in this case these had been pre-circulated and were adopted on the proposal of Tim Daly and seconded by Finbarr Cleary. The president declared that the one matter arising would be dealt with under the finances part of the meeting.
Apropos of the annual accounts, one member was of the opinion that more detail could be included in the annual report. The financial officer clearly explained that the published information contained the details required by Irish law and international stan- dards on financial reporting. This has always been the case within the institute.
In respect of Note 6 to the Financial Statements, another member requested more details. Both the financial officer and the institute’s legal advisor stated that this exceptional item was subject to a con- fidentialty agreement and therefore could not be further explained. This was accepted.
The accounts were adopted on the proposal of Gerry Donnelly and seconded by Tim Daly. In addition, the auditor’s report which was confirmed by the auditor was proposed by Gerry Donnelly and seconded by Kevin Byrne.
The following members were declared as officers for the incoming year: Mr Paddy Doherty (president), Ms Helen Noble (vice-presi- dent), Mr Patrick Casey (secretary to the council), Mr Gerry O’Reilly (financial officer), Ms Janet Kavanagh (education and training office). The president then advised that nominations for the position of ten ordinary members of council would be circulated by mail after the AGM.
Finbarr Cleary then proposed that Messrs. Brown, Murphy & Hughes be appointed as auditors; this was seconded by Frank Loughlin.
There was no other business to discuss and the meeting was concluded after some 35 minutes. It was a measure of the social interaction on the night that many members chose to accept the light refreshments on offer and remain on the premises for another thirty minutes or so.
Paddy Doherty (President)
Helen Noble (Vice-President)
Janet Kavanagh (Education and Training Office)
Gerry O’Reilly (Financial Officer)
Patrick Casey (Secretary to the Council)
The CharTered InsTITuTe of LogIsTICs & TransporT 25