Page 20 - Linkline Autumn 2019
P. 20

   Susan Boylan Operations & Supply Chain Manager Kepak
experience lies in supply chain and operations management in the FMCG, pharmacy and fresh food channels, specialising in Warehouse & Logistics Management. Susan gave an enlightening presentation beginning with the number of women who attended her college course and completed it compared to the men who left. She talked about the issues she has faced in the industry; how cultural differences has played a part in how she was treated and how her experience has helped her become a leader regardless of gender.
Ruth Waring FCILT and founding member of the Women in Logistics UK Group was the last of the keynote speakers. Ruth spoke from the heart about her time in the industry. Her time working in France which she didn’t enjoy but which gave her excellent skills and another language. What was clear from her speaking was her drive to set up her own consultancy business and if you are 80% sure of something to go for it. The WiL group has over 3,600 members now and meet regularly across the UK.
For the panel discussion Pamela Dennison, Northern Ireland Officer for CILT UK and Marina Efthymiou, PhD Course Director for executive M.Sc. in Aviation Leadership in DCU joined the three other women. Chaired by Darragh McCarthy Associate Director in Morgan McKinley a lively debate begun around the women’s experience in the industry, how current students can enter the industry and issues surrounding maternity leave and child care.
In all the evening was a great success for networking, idea creation, involvement from the audience during the panel discussion and meeting women at all levels of the industry.
We would like to thank Jack O’Connell from Morgan McKinley for all his help in setting up the event. We hope to continue our partnership into the future.
Panel discussion including Marina Efthymiou and Pamela Dennison
      18 The CharTered InsTITuTe of LogIsTICs & TransporT

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