Page 33 - Linkline Autumn 2019
P. 33

Sean P. Lyster wins The James (Jim) Crowley Memorial Medal
  (L-R) Richard Butler, Chair CILT Eastern Section, Medal Winner Sean P. Lyster and Richelle Crowley.
Congratulations from CILT Eastern Section Committee to Sean P. Lyster on his achievement of Winning the James (Jim) Crowley Memorial Medal for the Overall Best Grade achieved on the MSc Supply Chain Management Programme, at UCD Smurfit Graduate Business School.
Professor Jim Crowley made a significant contribution to CILT Ireland, which was at the time of his death in 1999, the Institute of Transport. The Jim Crowley Memorial Medal
The CILT Annual General Meeting took place on Monday 24 June. Attending on the evening were Council, Fellows, Chartered members as well as representatives from our Accountants Mason and Curran. On the evening attendees were greeted by CILT Staff Mick Curran and Mark Coffey and treated to refreshments, followed by the meeting.
The Southern Section held their AGM on Tuesday 16 July in the Clayton Silversprings Hotel, Tivoli, Cork.
celebrates the memory and connection with today’s Supply Chain Management students in UCD. Its recipients represent, the next generation of sectoral leaders which is awarded annually.
Here at the Institute we are grateful to have Richelle Crowley, the wife of Jim be able to present the medal to Sean the winner and continue Jim’s legacy into the future.
The Southern Section are actively looking for Officers - if you would like to be part of the Section do get in touch! This is a fantastic opportunity to get involved in the section while helping to promote and steer the direction of the Section going forward.
for more information.
    The CharTered InsTITuTe of LogIsTICs & TransporT 31

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