Page 18 - Raco 2018
P. 18

precisely defined and delimited activities fin in the the the the services mentioned if is is is it it it it it not possible to
fully fully comply with the the the the provisions of of the the the the directive EUROMIL
therefore deems it it it it it necessary to
implement Council Directive 2003/88/EC fully fully for for soldiers soldiers It holds that since salaries of of soldiers soldiers and public service employees can be be identical in in in some EU members states working time regulations should apply equally To the the the the extent that there there are specific military activities for for which there there a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a no similar forms of duty carried out by other civil servants balanced exceptions may be stipulated Clear comprehensive coherent and and binding working time regulations specific and and adapted to
armed forces personnel are necessary EUROMIL
affiliates have called for for many years already that binding legal instruments be issued to
regulate the regular working weekly hours for for soldiers including appropriate compensation for for overtime by by remuneration In
most European armies working time time is is managed by by the commanding officer’s discretion and and through verbal orders While EUROMIL
acknowledges that in in in in in in in relevant military branches a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a majority of of of of commanders administer working hours in in in in in in in a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a very caring manner there are major major problems arising from from lack of of of of personnel in in in in in in in in most of of of of the the the the armies of of of of the the the the European Union For many commanders the the the the legal term “working time” time” or or or “overtime” is is is is inexistent as it is is is is expected from from soldiers to
“serve” and and and fulfil their duty during 24 hours and and and 7 days EUROMIL
thus calls for the the creation and and and implementation of clear comprehensive coherent and and and binding working time regulations specific and and and adapted to
the the the armed 2 2 There are court cases pending on on on on the the implementation of CD 2003/88/EC for for soldiers in in in in in in in some EU countries forces that respect working working hours on-call time time time weekly working working time time time rest periods and and overtime These regulations are to
be negotiated in in in a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a fair and and social dialogue with the representatives of staff associations or military unions Limitation of of average weekly working working hours hours for soldiers as as ensured by Directive 2003/88/ EC EUROMIL
is of of of the the the the the opinion that the the the the the protection protection against against long long working working hours hours has to
remain the the the the the central goal of of of the the the the the Working Time Directive In
the the the the the armed forces protection protection against against long long and and irregular working hours is a a a a a a a a a a crucial matter of of health and safety prevention Active military personnel have the the right right to
working conditions which respect his his or or her health safety and dignity This right right right is is is safeguarded under Article 31 of of of the the the Fundamental Rights Charter that that ensures that that every worker has the the right right to
a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a limitation of of of of maximum of of of of working hours to
daily and and weekly rest periods and and to
an an an an annual period period of of paid leave The strain put on on on on on soldiers with the increasing participation in in in in in in in in international missions and and an an an ever more challenging working working environment due to
lacking recruitment and and high budgetary pressures is is is lengthening working working time in in in in in in in particular for for on-call duties This not unnecessarily enhances the the the the exposure to
health and safety risks of of the the the the soldier for for example in in in in in cases of of security or or or or guardroom duties but additionally puts third parties at risk risk which are closely linked to
the the the armed forces working environment On-call time time time is is is is working working working time time time EUROMIL
calls that all all all working working working time time time defined as any period during which the the soldier is is is is working working working working at at the the employer’s disposal and carrying out his activity or or or or or or or duties- be be it on-call or or or or for emergency preparedness- should be be counted as working working time Working time during during specific specific specific military military military activities EUROMIL
holds that during during international military military military military operations and and and missions with their specific specific specific security conditions and and and for specific specific specific military military military military activities such as military military military exercises or or or or manoeuvres and and and special training runs exceptions to
working working working time time regulations can apply However daily working working working time time periods should be clearly defined and controlled so that for for example the the total working working working hours are taken into account for for the annual calculations Reconciliation of of military and and family family Life EUROMIL
notes that the the reconciliation between professional private and and and family family life has an an an an an important role to
play to
improve the the the the the attractiveness of of of of of the the the the the military profession profession and and counter the the the the the recruitment problems in in all armed forces of of of of of the the the the the European Union EUROMIL
is of of of of of of the the the the the the the opinion that a a a a a a a a a a a a a a balanced reconciliation will contribute to
improving the the the the participation of of of women in in in in in in the the the the professional armed forces It therefore summons to
streamline work-life balance balance measures with working time regulations in in in in in order to
achieve a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a better balance balance between military and family life life Additionally parental and and maternity leave regulations have to
be be be formulated and and implemented while childcare facilities facilities within military facilities facilities should be be be developed further to
the the the benefit of the families Working time remains an an an an issue of health and and and safety safety Military personnel are assuring security security for for for others and and and should therefore not be excluded to
speak for for for its own security security and and and safety safety 18
Annual Delegate Conference 2018

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