Page 4 - Linkline Autumn 2015
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CILT LaunCh MenTorIng PrograMMe & BusIness LeCTure serIes
The Chartered Institute of Logistics & Transport in Ireland have successfully launched a mentoring programme with the Dublin Institute of Technology. A limited number of students studying masters programmes in the area of Logistics, Transport & Supply Chain Management will have the opportunity to apply for the CILT/DIT mentoring programme. Deputy CEO Pat Treacy FCILT recently met
with one of the rst students on this new initiative Ahmed Essa who is studying the Masters in Supply Chain Management with DIT.
CILT also successfully launched its Business Lecture Series with the Dublin Institute of Technology (Aungier Street) which saw Pat Treacy deliver a presentation on Supply Chain Resilience. This presentation is part of a series of six presentations which will be delivered over the academic year by CILT. This new initiative will also be extended to the Michael Smur t Business School (UCD). Any Colleges, Universities, or Institutes interested in establishing a series of Business Lectures with CILT in Ireland please drop us an email at:
L-R: Pat Treacy (Deputy CEO) and Ahmed Essa Pat Treacy with Margaret Farrell (DIT) and the Masters in Supply Chain Management students
END2END Supply Chain Conference 2015
Thursday 08th of October 2015
uBallsbridge Hotel, Dublin 4 Time/
08.00 – 17.30 hrs
2 The CharTered InsTITuTe of LogIsTICs & TransporT