Page 61 - Linkline Summer 2016
P. 61
On-Site Fueling:
FMeeting Customers’ Needs
or many fleet owners and operators, fueling their tomer eet. “We even have the ability to tie our invoices eets is one of the biggest expenses and challenges to your existing card provider so that there is a seamless
they face. But thanks to mobile, or onsite fueling, more and more companies are experiencing reduced fueling time, improved ef ciencies, less equipment downtime and signi cant cost savings – making businesses more competitive.
transition on fuel data management,” Cliff said.
Cliff Crabb, Business Development Manager at On- site Refueling, said that mobile fueling enables greater productivity of today’s labour force and greater lever- age of the assets on-site refueling fuels.
When it comes to mobile fueling and the accompany- ing customer service expectations, eet operators to- day are very savvy and require customer service that is prompt, accurate and readily available.
“Our customers tell us our service actually saves the expense of one driver for every 10 drivers they employ and one truck for every 10 trucks they own,” Cliff said. In addition to the monetary bene ts, other bene ts of mobile fueling include helping reduce the fear of fuel leaking from tanks onto the ground. “We are also proud of the fact that our service results in a measurable re- duction in the carbon footprint created by chasing fuel at retail facilities and even idling at on-site tanks,” Cliff said. “And there is certainly a security value in the fact that you know you are getting every litre you pay for, without the fear of disappearing litres, which is a signif- icant problem in this industry.”
Customers know we will be there during each ex- pected service interval and that their assets have been topped off with the fuel needed to complete their day.
Customer Service is Key
Our customers can also expect automated and vali- dated transaction data supported by an electronic in- voice down to each asset.”
“Even with fuel prices lower this year, the cost of la- bour has not gone down nor are the RSA ‘hours of ser- vice’ regulations any easier to comply with,” Cliff said. “Fleets still need fuel in a down economy. Services like this help drive down the overall cost of operating a eet – a very important factor today.”
“One of our expertly trained fleet fueling drivers can fuel an entire fleet faster and safer than having each driver refuel themselves at a retail facility,” Cliff said. Also, this service saves the investment cost of an on-site fuel storage solution and the regulatory head- aches that go along with it.” Mobile fueling is right for just about any eet operation that returns to its yard on regularly scheduled intervals. “These are the eet operations most likely to see value from this service,” Cliff said.
Leading-edge technology is also a key requirement to make the process ef cient for everyone involved. For example, an on-board truck computer directs On-Site Refueling’s entire eet fueling process.
“The truck computer validates the customer as well as which allowed trucks are to be fueled in their respective yards and the type of fuel product each asset requires,” Cliff said. “Our drivers only have to operate safely and ef ciently; we don’t write down litres delivered per as- set, the truck and driver are essentially paperless, a printed-paper receipt is left behind after fueling a cus-
Cliff Crabb
Mobile: 083 842 5556