Page 72 - Linkline Summer 2016
P. 72
Interview: Liam Cassidy
1. What have the challenges been in your sector?
5. What does the future hold?
In recessions many organisations cut back on invest- ment with consultants. We had several large projects frozen.
For us, a good slice of our business has been in China. Whilst we still have plenty of opportunity there, we are looking at other Asian countries, like Vietnam. We are also currently in discussion with a potential Iranian part- ner, as markets there are about to open up.
2. How did your business adapt?
Smart organisations realise that to help them get through the tough times it’s good to invest in process- es and people development. We offer Lean Transfor- mations and have a terri c and veri able track record. We were lucky we had some large clients who stuck with us. Some others we managed to convince to invest by showing them clearly what we would deliver in the rst and second 6 month periods. It far exceeds (always does) what they were going to invest.
With one client we agreed to freeze payment for 6 months until improvements were owing to their bot- tom line.
3. What lessons did you learn?
Nothing we didn’t already know. Those CEO’s with- out real vision will always cut back on investment in their processes and workforce when they need it most. Those with vision will continue or even accelerate it.
4. What advice can you give to someone in a similar situation?
Whatever service you offer, be exible in how you of- fer and package it. Understand their (clients) dif culty and be imaginative in how you will help them overcome it. EG: payment later when bene ts ow to their bot- tom line.
Name: Company: Email: Web: Phone:
Liam Cassidy
LCL Consult Ltd 353 86 791 9759