Page 4 - The Drivers Guide 2019
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CONTENTS: The Driver's Guide
Though I am old with wandering Through hollow lands and hilly lands, I will find out where she has gone, And kiss her lips and take her hands; And walk among long dappled grass, And pluck till time and times are done, The silver apples of the moon,
The golden apples of the sun.
The Song of Wandering Aengus -By W.B Yeats
This is a journey through a past of epic proportions, deep into Irish DNA and roaming through more than 5000 years of history.
And you will stumble along the way. Onto haunting passage graves, mysterious monasteries and ancient battlefields.
To some of you this is a journey, others a pilgrimage, more still a wandering through dramatic green landscapes, peaceful gardens and lovely coastal villages.
This is Ireland’s Ancient East brought to you by The Driver’s Guide. It’s a bit more complicated than invasions, battles won and lost. This is discovery of the stories that have made and shaped a people who have gone on to make and tell their own.
And there’s been no shortage of characters from this sweeping nation play − misfits, villains and anti-heroes − tales of alliances, betrayals, heroes, fiery leading ladies across the centuries. Among the green rolling hills, winding medieval lanes, broad plains and boglands, you’ll find more plot twists and cliff hangers than in a Hollywood blockbuster.
These were the battlegrounds where absolute power was won and lost. Where short-lived alliances were formed and betrayals unearthed. While The Driver’s Guide will point you in the right direction, the route you take will depend on the story you weave of your time here and the experience you bring away from the tales of Ireland’s Ancient East.
Go n-éirí an bóthar leat.
Dublin: A Tour through the Centuries
A city with a thousand year history, an unmatched literary tradition and one of the most vibrant social scenes in Europe, Dublin is the ideal place to spend a few days at the start, or end, of your journey around Ireland’s Ancient East.
M1: From the Valley
of the Kings to the
Ancient Northeast
Enjoy the sweeping north Dublin coastline and then journey to the heart of Irish civilisation in the Boyne Valley. Journey north through the rolling hills of Louth
and Monaghan and discover ancient monuments and hidden tombs.
Download the new ‘The Driver’s Guide’ App!
Available on Apple App Store & Google Play Store
M3: Saints, Scholars & Kings
From the Hill of Tara, once the seat of Ireland’s High Kings, to a landscape dotted with cathedrals, abbeys and monasteries, this route brings you to the heart of Ireland’s Celtic mythology and ancient Christianity.
Editor: Nick Fitzgerald
Production: Alan Donnelly
Design: Stephanie Leone, Robert Moran Digital Manager: Jonathan O’Malley Advertising: John Ryan (+353 [0] 85 188 2558)
© Universal Media Agency.
24 South Frederick Street, Dublin 2. Tel: (01) 905 5200 Email:
DISCLAIMER: The Driver’s Guide to Ireland’s Ancient East is an independently produced publication by Universal Media.
The logos, symbols and trademarks of Ireland’s Ancient East are the property of Failte Ireland. While every care is taken to ensure the accuracy of the content herein, Universal Media Agency cannot be held responsible for any inaccuracies that may arise. The opinions are the contributors’ own and may not reflect those of the publisher, its clients or suppliers.