Page 45 - Demo
P. 45
1. Which vision condition is most prevalent in children up to 2 years of age?
a. Myopia
b. Strabismus c. Astigmatism d. Hyperopia
2. In streak retinos in the same directi the need for:
a. Minus power b. Plus power c. Cylinder
d. Prism
3. Which of the following is used to test the visual acuity of children who are too young to communicate?
a. Snellen chart b. Color cards
c. Gabor patches d. Teller cards
4. Which of the following may be used in place of a slit lamp to evaluate the contact lens fit in infants?
a. Lighted magnifier
b. Handheld keratometer c. Handheld au
d. Biomicrosco
5. During the first y a. Becomes stee b. Becomes flat c. Does not cha d. Is close to th
6. When is an infa evaluated using a h which of the follow determine the base
a. Manufacture b. Handheld to c. Bascom Palm d. Burton lamp
7. When fitting yo lenses, a good app a. Swaddling
b. Restraint
c. Refrain from
you will do d. Sympathetic
8. Vision screenings detect what percentage of vision problems?
a. 90
a. Self-confidence
b. Communication skills c. Dexterity
d. Balance
with contact lenses is:
a. 8 years old b. Nonexistent c. 10 years old d. 5 years old
wear contact lenses:
a. It is not necessary to review care and wearing procedures
b. It is certain the child will be compliant
14. In the Bruckner test, inferior crescents indicate:
a. Myopia
is an alternative
a. Vision exercises
b. Occluder contact lens
c. Allow the eye to correct itself d. Oral medication
ase in pediatric
contact lens fits is:
a. An increase in the incidence of astigmatism
b. Children are attending school at an earlier age
c. A reduction in the incidence of pediatric ns materials and
In the case of aniseikonia, contact lenses:
a. Are not recommended b. Have high plus power
When Fitting the Mature Contact Lens Patient
b. 5 b. Hyperopia
c. 75 c. Astigmatism
d. 10 d. Strabismus
1. If a patient has a question concerning any tests taken by the
copy, red reflex movement 9. In general, children who wear contact 15. Which of the following prescribing doctor, you should:
on of the light indicates lenses demonstrate an improvement in: to patching in amblyopia?
A. Make sure the information you give is up to date
B. Uses common terms and avoid technical information
C. Always use the Latin names
D. Refer them back to the doctor for all test results and diagnosis
2. Presbyopia is:
10. The minimum age for fitting children 16. One reason for the incre
A. A normal process that happens as we age
B. When the crystalline lens can no longer change shape to accommodate near vision
C. Both a. and b. are correct
D. Poor distance vision acquired with age
11. When fitting a child whose parents
3. Conjunctivitis is also referred to commonly as:
eye surgeries
A. Itching, burning and tearing d. Advances in contact le
B. Dry eye symptoms easier care systems
C. Allergic reaction to some solutions
D. Pink eye
4. Which of the following is not a common cause of dry eyes?
to-refractor d. Instruction is not needed c. Reduce image size diff
A. Previous eye surgery such as Lasik
pe d. Have high minus pow
12. Because an infant’s vision is primarily B. Cold and allergy medications
ear of life, corneal curvature: at near range, the prescription for contact 18. The correction for pedi C. Blinking
per lenses fit for pediatric aphakia: when an IOL is contraindic D. Aging
ter a. Should have 2D to 3D more a. Spectacles
nge minus power b. Drops
5. To help alleviate dry eye symptoms:
e curvature in adulthood b. Should be a multifocal c. Contact lenses
A. Use saline solution alone c. Will require cylinder d. Patching
nt too young to be
B. Use artificial tears
d. Should have 2D to 3D more
andheld keratometer,
19. What percentage of chil
C. Wash hands often
plus power
ing can be used to myopia are diagnosed betw
D. Refit patient into gas-permeable lenses
curve of the contact lens? 13. The percentage of children with a. 75
r’s recommendations learning disabilities who also have a b. 10 6. Meibomian Gland Dysfunction is also known as:
nometer vision problem is: c. 50
A. Meibomitis
er averages a. 70 times higher than the general d. 5
B. Cataract
C. Macular degeneration
b. 20 times higher than the general
20. After reviewing the pati
ung children with contact
next step in a pediatric visio
D. Diabetic retinopathy
roach to the patient is: c. 50 times higher than the general a. Bruckner test
7. Possible blepharitis symptoms are:
b. Streak retinoscopy c. Keratometry
A. White sclera with no redness
B.Itchingandburningfeeling population
telling the child what d. 10 times higher than the general d. Observation for obvio
C. Red, injected conjunctiva
and reassuring
D. Dry eyes, flaky skin on the eyelids and punctate keratopathy
Review care and wearing procedures as you would for a new patient
98 • August 2019 20/20
8. Treatments for Meibomian Gland Dysfunction may include:
A. Warm water compresses
67 EYEZONE Issue 88 November / December 2019 B. Topical antibiotic ointments
erence er
atric aphakia ated is:
dren ages with een ages 3 and 12?
ent’s history, the n evaluation is:
us problems
45 EYEZONE Issue 91-92 May / August 2020 C. Patching one eye at a time
D. A and B only