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As optometrists reopen their practices, sterilization is on everyone’s minds. Doctors and staff need effective protocols for routine cleaning throughout the day and patients need reassurance the practice is safe to visit. A new product called eMist, from Eye Designs, aims to help. It uses an electrostatic misting system that allows disinfectant to be sprayed throughout the optical, waiting, reception, pretest rooms, exam lanes, on frames and entire practice. The dispenser delivers positively charged ne droplets of cleaning agent that attract to negatively/ neutrally charged surfaces, fully encapsulating the area and objects spayed, the company says. This process is more thorough than simple wiping of
surfaces, according to Eye Designs.
eMist is the centerpiece of a new division for Eye Designs called In Of ce Sterilization. Its mission, the company says, is to deliver the best solutions and products so that you can open your business with con dence, each and every day. The effort is focused on three key areas, the company says: (1) prevention of infection, (2) elimination of germs and viruses and (3) providing con dence to doctors and patients alike that they are in a sterile environment for peace of mind.
Product Highlights:
The In Of ce Sterilization Packages are designed based on a practice’s size, optical area along with patient traf c. The package’s three main components are electrostatic sprayers, disinfectant solution and in-store messaging. The signage package will allow ECPs and optical retailers to visibly promote their practice as a safe disinfected environment with wall plaques, window clings, social distance oor graphics and signage blocks. In addition, In Of ce Sterilization will offer germ shield, waiting room chair dividers, antimicrobial seating, frame trays and tray storage packages.
Source: https://inof
Have you ever wondered how hygienic those everyday items we interact with on a regular basis really are? Of course, washing your hands is an important way to keep everything you touch sterile, but in order to stay as hygienic as possible, sanitizing our most-used objects should also be a priority.
The UV Sterilizer, complete with wireless charging, not only sanitizes personal mobile devices, but other common-use items like toothbrushes and glasses,
too. With a minimalistic design, this sterilizer allows users to keep personal belongings hygienic anytime, anywhere.
Those who regularly wear glasses know just how much of our face these helpful objects come into contact with, often for extended periods of time. These, too, can safely be sanitized in the UV Sterilizer. Product Highlights:
The UV Sterilizer features dual UV lights which allows it to sterilize even thin objects. Its UV-C light kills up to 99%2 of harmful bacteria such as E. coli, Staphylococcus aureus and Candida albicans. With a simple fold and an insertion into the device, your glasses, too, can be removed of these germs in just ten minutes.
EYEZONE Issue 91-92 May / August 2020 58