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In contrast, the For centers to deliver efficient way to get
July 10, 2018
The Forced Physics cooling solution
ced Physics Conductor requires only filtered outside air.
requires only ltered outside air. Air is
ore revenue-generating computer operations at a lower
drawn through the Conductors using
heat away from the electronics and into the outside air:
industrial blowers.
Data Center with Forced Physics Technology
Drastically simpli es infrastructure and increases reliability
by signi cantly reducing the number of moving parts.
After more than a decad cooling that will drastica filtered outside air, the F fans, air conditioning, a servers (via higher dens climate, from the hottes mPUE of 1.02 or lower. technology lowers cooli
Forced Physics Tec
There have been very fe To cool servers has req coolants, water cooling components of a typica
Typical Data Center
efficient way to get heat away from the electronics and into the outside air:
ng only
server wer, and e in any
hieve a
il now.
quid g
e in development, Forced Physics has released innovative serv lly change the way data centers are built and operated. Requiri orced Physics Conductor eliminates the need for liquid cooling,
nd cooling towers. Reduced costs on infrastructure, cooling po ity) result in over 40% savings. This technology is able to operat t day in Phoenix to the most humid day in Houston, and still ac The greenest cooling solution available, patented JouleForceTM ng energy by over 90% and uses no water.
w innovations in data center cooling over the last 40 years—unt uired some combination of energy-consuming air conditioners, li towers, and server fans. Shown below is a diagram representin
l data center today:
Innovative Server Cooling
Low Cost. Water Free. Green.
In contrast, the Forced Physics Conductor requires only filtered outside air. This allows data
Innovative Server Cooling • • 480-939-4959 • centers to deliver more revenue-generating computer operations at a lower cost due to a more
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