Page 198 - CBA 2016 YEARBOOK
P. 198

 Back: Mr. Marciano, Mr. Caraher
Front: Mrs. Merithew, Mrs. Ponge, and Mrs. Demers
At the end of the 2014-2015 school year, several dedicated members of the Faculty & Staff of CBA retired. We can't thank them enough for their dedication and committment to the students, faculty and staff at CBA. Each one has left a legacy behind.
Mr. Mike Marciano insituted the Washington, DC trip for the Junior Class. For many, this was their first experience in one of the most important places in our country. We also appreciated that daily he shared his sense of humor with us all.
Mr. Bob Caraher devoted hundreds of hours to sharing music with our school in many capacities. Most notable is the time spent on years of musical theater productions.
Mrs. Merithew retired as Director of Guidance. Thousands of students were guided through some of the most important years at CBA and on their path to college, via her office.
Mrs. Ponge developed the first Engineering programs at CBA. She challenged many students to go outside their comfort zone on planning projects.
Mrs. Demers, Administrative Assistant to the Principal, devoted countless hours to helping the school stay organized and run smoothly. From copiers, to subs, to correspondence, she calmly kept us all ontrack.
There simply isn't enough room to say all the things that these 5 individuals meant to all the people of CBA - both present - and past. Collectively they influenced so many lives for the better. Their daily presence is missed but their influence on us all remains.

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