Page 43 - CBA 2009 YEARBOOK
P. 43

 "There comes a time when we will have to choose between what is right and what is easy."
Thanx to all who've taught me how to make the right choice. DadMumEmmyAngeKiki Matt,you're my everything.To my friends& my trio=love always. "This was a pretty successful broadcast" Goodluck, Godbless.Im outta here!
Courtney Joanna Cupelo
V Swimming 9-12, JV Softball 9, Chorus 10, Drama Club 10-12, SOS 12, Ski Club 9-12
more than others think is safe,
more than others think is wise,
more than others think is practical,
more than others think is
possible. -Cadet Maxim Thanks Mom, Dad, Meghan, and Erin. Good luck Seniors 09 RP,AL,CP,NS,MS. Special thanks to Girls Swim
"Gabe thinks were done" Eastern Edge crew - W ord is bond - lulz
"You must be the change you wish to see in the world" Mahatma Gandhi
Class of 09- Peace be with you
Thomas Curran
V Cross Country 9-11, V Indoor Track 9-11, V Track 9-11,
Science Club 11-12, Peer Ministry 12, Film Club 10, Ski Club 9-12
Colleen Frances Daly
V Swimming 9-12, Chorus 9-11, Select Chorus 11-12, Drama Club 9-12, Peer Ministry 11-12, Ski Club 9-12
ToallmyFamily:wherewouldIbe withoutthelove,"thewisdomand thestruggles?" Letushavefaiththatrightmakes might,andinthatfaith,letus,
totheend, daretodoourdutyaswe understandit.
Daniel Thomas Luciano DeBona
V Swimming 9-12, V Track 9, French Club 9-10, Science Club 11, National Honor Society 11-12, Physics Club 11, Ping Pong Club 11
ToallmyBrosephswhomade these sixyears(STAYCLASSY) SL;9-to 5 inkind of

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