Page 47 - CBA 2009 YEARBOOK
P. 47

 They say we leave this world just the way we came into it... naked and alone. So if we do
'' leave with nothing what then is a measure of a life,is it
^ defined by the people we
■ choose to love or is life simply measured by our
; accomplishments? And what if we fail or never truly
loved? Can we ever measure up or will the quiet desperation a life gone wanting Drive us mad?
Irvin J. Dumerville
V Soccer 11-12, V Track 9-11, Chorus 9-10,12, Select Chorus 11-12, Masterminds 11, Salsa Club 11
"Graduation is only a concept. In real life every day you graduate. Graduation is a process that goes on until the last day of your life. If you can grasp that, you'll make a difference." -Arie Pencovici I want to say thanks to my family and my friends for always being by my side and making me the person I am
Boys futbol and hockey it was
Good luck seniors
Heath Ferris
JV Soccer 9-10, V Soccer 11-12, V Hockey 9-12, JV Lacrosse 9
Hola Hola HolaTengo quiero tres preguntas Donde esta cuarto de bano el cuarto de bano es bueno arroz con polio. So make them believe in you even if the odds are against you. The rest of our life starts from this point. W elcome to the jungle!
Charles "DeWayne" Edwards
V Cross Country 11, V Indoor Track 9-12, V Track 9-12, Film Club 9
"7 times fall down, 8 times get up. Failures can make you grow and improve if you know how to make a stepping-stone out of them' -Sensei Fumio Demura. Thanks S. Gian, S. Demura, the Blacks, the Whites, Mom & Dad, Dan, and Sean. No matter how many times I fell, you guys always made me stand up again.
Sara Fitzpatrick
National Honor Society 11-12, Peer Ministry 11, Mock Trial 9-12

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