Page 66 - CBA 2009 YEARBOOK
P. 66

"Yesterday is but a vision. and tomorrow is only a dream. But today well lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness, and every tomorrow a dream of hope.
Mom Dad Jess and Tom- thanks for everything, love
Friends and family-love you all, thanks for being there for me!
Good Luck Class of '09
WeAreAllVulnerable&We Will All AtSomePointlnOur LivesFall.WeMustCarry ThislnOurHearts,ThatWhat
W eHavelsSpecial.ThatltCan BeT akenFromUs&ThatWhen ItlsTakenFromUsWeWillBe TestedToOurVerySouls.ltlsT
heseTimes,ItlsThis PainThatAllowsUsToLook
InsideOurselves.MomBridge Jer&TriangleBooYah&
Friends NothingElseCompares<3
Monica M. Saroff
JV Volleyball 9-10, V Volleyball 11, Chorus 9-10, Art Club
9-11, SOS 12, Peer Ministry 11-12, Amnesty Int'l 9, Mock Trial 9
Dont worry about the future;or worry, but know that
worrying is as effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubblegum. Mom&Dad I would be
nowhere without youthanksforeverythinglove you.CubMattyBznothingelse
comparesthanksforeverything Myfan
neverforgottenCampSunshine memoriesalwaysFamilyFriend
Haleigh Schoeneck
V Lacrosse 9-10, Peer Ministry 11-12
Nicole Elizabeth SanGiacomo
JV Soccer 9-10, V Soccer 11-12, V Indoor Track 11-12, V
Track 9-12, Spanish Club 9-12, Peer Ministry 11-12, LaSallian Youth 9-10, JR Prom Committee 11, Sr Ball Committee 12, Ski Club 9-11
God grant me the serenity To accept the things I cannot change,
The courage to change the things I can,
And the wisdom to know the difference.
CBA Football: Band of Brothers, My 2nd Family Wide Receivers -Play with Passion
Respect the Past, Represent the Future
Andrew W. Scanlon
JV Football 9-10, V Football 11-12, Basketball 9, JV Baseball 9-10, Art Club 9-10, Ping Pong Club 11

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