Page 76 - CBA 2009 YEARBOOK
P. 76
Brian Wiese
JV Soccer 9-10, V Soccer 11-12, JV Baseball 9-10, V Baseball 11-12
My years at CBA were great! I'll miss all my friends. Thanks, Dad and Mom.
Thanks to my brother & sistei for always being there for me To all my relatives and niece,
Zoe - I'm glad that you're in my life!
Michael Jordan; "Some Are Born Great, Others Have Greatness Thrust Upon Them.|
Kevin Yarnell
Basketball 9, JV Basketball 10, V Basketball 11-12, Spanish; Club 9-10, Peer Ministry 11-12
Sometimes the time just slips away
& your left with yesterday left with the memories
though we go our separate ways
i won't forget so don't forget the memories we made
#1 family<3; LJC
academysoccer21 anything is possible, anything]
can happen
& together we proved that
Chloe Zmolek
JV Soccer 9, V Soccer 10-12, V Bowling 12, Spanish Club] 9-10, SOS 9-11, Peer Ministry 12, Sr Ball Committee 12,
Ski Club 9
"The future is not something we enter. The future is something we create." Thanks to all of family, especially my Mom and Dad, Rachel, Zach, and Chris. And to my friends and runners- thanks and good luck! Remember, "Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game."
Melissa Zajdel
JV Soccer 9, V Soccer 10, V Cross Country 11-12, JV Basketball 9, V Indoor Track 10-12, V Track 10-12, V Softball 9, Spanish Club 9-11, National Honor Society 11- 12, SOS 12, Peer Ministry 11-12, LaSallian Youth 9-10