Page 73 - CBA 2007 YEARBOOK
P. 73

 MN DS RO KD its been a lot
offun.lo those
underachievers I leave
behind, a few words from
the wisest man ever known:
"You tried your best and you
failed miserably. The lesson
is, never try."
"If something is to hard to do,
then it's not worth doing."
—Homer J. Simpson.
Robert A. Tygert
Band 9 ' 12 Jazz Ensemble 11-12 Spring Musical 10' 12 Fall
Play 10,12
Aim for success, not
perfection. Never give up
your right to be wrong,
because then you will lose the
ability to learn new things and
move foreward with your life.
Dr. David M. Burns
DS RT PA Good Times
Thanks Mom Tom Family I
owe you Big Time
1am certain there is too much
certainty in the world. -
Michael Crichton
Michael James Valentin
JV Football 9-10 Varsity Football 1 1 Science Club 9 Amnesty
International 11 History Club 10'12 Philosophy Club 12
As excited as 1am to leave I
am equally just as sad. I am
looking forward to the new
friends but not looking
forward to leaving the ones I
already have. Just a simple
good luck to everyone will
have to do. Now I leave
with a simple thank you to
everyone who made this
more enjoyable than it would
have been.
Will Waldau
JV Baseball 9 Varsity Baseball 10' 12 Yearbook 12 FBLA 12
IfIwere a mirror
I’d look right deep inside
myself and if things were
much clearer
I’d see a brighter day.
To my friends, see you
To everyone else, don’t think
too much and enjoy life
Matthew Thomas Wainwright
Varsity Cross Country 9 ' 10,12 Varsity Indoor Track 9 ' 10,12
Varsity Track 9 ' 12 Spanish Club 9 ' 10 Math Team 9 ' 12 Student
Senate 9-1 1 Outdoor Club 10 National Honor Society 1M 2
Technology Club 10 Spring Musical 11 W riter's Guild 9 -10
Forensics 9-10 Ultimate Frisbee Club 10 Ski Club 9 ' 10

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