Page 135 - CBA 1991 YEARBOOK
P. 135

 Couch Pororo Time
Sophomores' Fovorire TV Shows
The fovorire Television shoves of rhe Soph­
omores voried from "Cheers" ro "Rescue
911" ond even ro rhe corroon, "Nev^/ Kids
On The Block." The rop rhree mosr liked
comedies were "The Wonder Yeors,"
"Cheers," ond "Who's rhe Doss?" "Cheers"
wos rhe mosr fovored, Ir wos o sir-corn of
o group of people wirh rheir everydoy sro-
ries ond rhe serring wos o neighborhood
bor. Some of rhe orher menrioned sir-corns
were "Morried wirh Children," "The Simp­
sons," ond "In Living Color." Gerring ro rhe
dromoric side, rhe mosr fovored dromoric
show wos "Sonro Dorboro." Coming in sec­
ond wos "Twin Peoks." Surprisingly enough,
"Rescue 911" wos olso selecred by some
"MASH," rhe long-running, ever populor
progrom of rhe Koreon Wor rimes wos o
bir hir. Anorher perenniol fovorire wos rhe
groovy hir show, "The Brody Bunch." By
worching "The Brody Bunch" we finolliy
found our whor life wos like in rhe '70s. In
conrrosr ro rhe clossics of rhe posr, rhe new-
esr ond horresr shows of rhe seoson provid­
ed o mix of progroms for relevision viewers.
The Type of shows goining greoresr popu-
loriry omong Sophomores hod music woven
rhroughour rhe progroms — os seen in "MTV
Counr Down" ond rhe corroon feoruring The
New Kids On The Block.
Would ir nor be inreresring rhor if during
rheir renrh doss reunion, in 2003, rhey will
oil be oble ro lisr rheir fovorire shows? Who
knows whor rhor lisr would reod

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