Page 91 - CBA 1991 YEARBOOK
P. 91
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There were two important times each school year when teachers showed their artistic talent: the first day of classes and Christmas time.
At the beginning of each school year, teach ers arranged students in some semblance of or der. Some conventional teachers arranged stu dents in traditional fashion of alphabetical or der, starting with the rows of desks closest to the door. However, there were some creative teachers who not only arranged the students, but the desks as well. Desks and students alike were put in diagonal rows in such a way that it was virtually impossible to commit mischie vous little tricks such as passing notes and whis pering to your fellow students. Then, a final
category of teachers in the arrangement of stu dents was the cunning teachers who let the students sit where they chose. Was this wise? Not for all teachers. The select teachers who practiced this idea had special skills that enabled them to know exactly what students were doing and when they did it.
The other artistic quality teachers displayed was classroom decorations showing holiday spir it. Mini Christmas lights adorned some class rooms, blinking gently as to drive a student crazy. Other teachers were more of holiday cheer. All in all, decorations were a welcome change to the monotonous colors seen day after day.
Mrs. Brenda Bigelow
English 9^1, iiR, AP, The Purple And Gold; Phe Underground.
Order And Beauty From Chaos
Faculty 87