Page 66 - CBA 1983 YEARBOOK
P. 66

 Handball: The Eighth Day of Creation
Free time for some students
means handball time.
God created the world in seven days, but what few people are
aware of is the fact that on the eighth day, He decided to create a
fast-moving, free-time wasting sport that keeps upperclassmen
busy mod after mod during those hot, sunny days of fall and
spring. Doubters need only step out behind the gym at any time
during the school day, provided there is less than six inches of
snow on the ground. The Doubter would be immediately greeted
by cries of “That was out!” “No, it was in ... I” “We got
Craig Barnell takes a moment to relax from the demanding play of competition.
Chris Ciricillo shows the de­ termination to win on the court.
George Tucci dodges from a flying shot by Gil Grnewald.

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