Page 107 - CBA 1996 YEARBOOK
P. 107
Freshmen Woes:
Adjusting To High Schooi
Most people think that moving up from junior high into high
school is not that big of a deal. After all, at C.B.A., you do not
have to change schools and you are already familiar with almost
every student attending. On the contrary, 1believe moving into
freshman year is a pretty big step.
There are many new things to take advantage of in high school
that were not available to you in junior high. Many new clubs and
organizations, sports teams and volunteer groups open their doors
to you. However, it's not just fun and games. There are new
teachers, more work, and definitely more competitive sports
teams. At first, 1thought freshman year was very confusing and
very difficult. Now we know, though, what we can accomplish
and what is expected of us. The scary thing is that we still have
three more confusing and difficult years to go and I'm expecting
an even heavier work load!
Adjusting to high school has not been an easy experience, and
it definitely required a lot of hard work, patience and persever
ance. Overall though, it has definitely been a fun one!
Twan Gyder happily
demonstrates "what’s so
fun about peace, love,
Girls! No matter where
they go or what they do
they’re always on the
phone! Alexis Lemon and
Lindsay Juliana flash a
smile as Jessica Atleh Is
having a very important
and understanding.
Katie Segar