Page 110 - CBA 1996 YEARBOOK
P. 110

Changing Gears
hat a difference a year makes! As the king
of the mountain at my old schooi, i was
confident, assured, and at ease with my
surroundings. I was totaily unprepared for
the organized chaos at C.B.A. First, there is the chailenge
of the locker, something i never experienced at my oid
school. Memorizing your combination and fitting ali your
books in is bad enough, but then throw into the mix trying
to get from your first period class on the third floor to
your locker on the first floor in three minutes. Did i grab
all the right things for my next class? A zero hangs in the
baiance, or the infamous points off your average.
Navigating the hails through a sea of people mostly
bigger than you, in unfamiliar surroundings, makes you
feel like a fish out of water. Boy, did I make a wrong turn
navigating the halls or is this really college, and not Junior
Fligh at all! Oh, three quizzes, three unit tests and a religion
project all due on Friday, I can handle it! Depending on
your schedule, the amount of homework can take awhile
to get use to. I had the luck to have Literature and
Spanish in the same semester, not fun in terms of the
work load. As Mr. Atwood says, "Every living organism
adapts to its environment or dies." Well I'm still here mak­
ing adaptations and it's getting easier. I have to tell you
I really look forward to the weekends now, and enjoy
them more. All in all, I think C.B.A. is worth it, even though
it's no walk in the park! Most things in life that are worth­
while take some effort and adjustments; this is only one
of many we'll make as we go through life.
If is hard for seventh graders to have
the upper lockers. Rick McKeon
stretches to get his books after class.
Junior High students love “wacky hat
day”. Stephanie Place, Lindsay Walk­
er, and Ben Smith show off their cre­
ativity and sense of humor.

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