Page 113 - CBA 1996 YEARBOOK
P. 113

A New Beginning
Awaiting High Schooi
Upon entering the eighth grade, a student may begin to experience a
feeling of comfort in his or her surroundings. You have made it through your
first year at CBA, maybe running into a few probiems along the way, and
you are now accustomed to the school, the teachers, and the students.
Upon entering the ninth grade, however, things no longer seem as care­
free. The tougher classes begin to really count and the rules appear to be
much more strict. New teachers, more homework, and different courses
. . . you definitely have your work cut out for you.
Something else to contribute to your anxiety . . . you are a freshman.
Have you ever seen the movie “Dazed and Confused?" in eighth grade
your iunch time was spent with the seventh graders. Your iockers were
next to the seventh graders and you had gym dass with the seventh
graders as well. As a freshman, you are going to eat iunch with the soph­
omores, have your iockers next to the sophomores, and you guessed it,
gym with the sophomores.
Becoming a freshman in high schooi means a new beginning. Our advice
to you is to keep your head iow, don't iet the upperciassmen get to you,
and get to lunch real early.
Brian Kim and Sean Harris
Part of being friends is shar­
ing secrets. Rory Gallardo
and Erin Howe laugh at a
‘‘top-secret" joke.
Junior High students face
many challenges through­
out the day. Michael Anton-
acci lakes them on with

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