Page 14 - CBA 1996 YEARBOOK
P. 14
Dave Ascioti longs to be one of the best
baseball players. Apart from his huge
mistake In choosing his equipment, he
looks like a pro.
Summer Vacation
Finally — the long awaited period of rest and relaxation con
veniently scheduled after finals and before apple picking — is
here. How one chooses to occupy the designated interval is
completely up to the individual. Some students assume addition
al responsibilities; they take advantage of job opportunities, in
ternships, sports teams, or volunteer options. The lucky ones are
acquainted with family vacation rituals. Others attempt to pro
long the summer by exerting as little energy as possible. Many
students are faithful participants in the "night scene" or social
circuit. Hey, in two months anything is possible, and traditionally
students strive to fulfill summer's unlimited potential.
The Three Musketeers
Susannah Murphy, Car
olyn Bush, and friend
grab their makeshift
weapons and prepare to
do battle with the forces
of evil.
Courtney Hopkins
and Merritt Kusak-
McGuire bask in the
summer sunshine In
front of Grant Middle
Whenever Conor
Hopkins and Ray Gal
lardo feel down, Mer
edith Grant Is always
there to brighten their
spirits with a nice
Heather Hopkins
warm hug.