Page 157 - CBA 1996 YEARBOOK
P. 157

 S.A.D.D. 7 & 8
J. Banott, J. B&llandl, C. Brouer, M. Burkhaus&r, M. CapozzI,
A. Canos, J. Cerlo, J. Chapman, K. Chase, M. CorPIshley,
E. Coyne, K. D'OrazIo, C. Deapo, A. Donnelly, J. Downs, R.
Dully, S. Bade, L, EngnsI, M. Erwin, D. Federico, C, Fenis, A.
Fliers, A. Gelburd, R. Ghaly, K. Gradovllle, K. Greeley, J.
Gunerman, T. Haskell, G. Hickson, P. Holmes, J, Huling, B.
Jones, C. Kelley, D. Kennedy, A. Korzyp, N. Kulba, J. LaGrow,
J. Law, A. Lazipone, M. Lazipone, T. Malay, M. Mason, P.
McGowan, P. McKeon, M. Murphy, J. Myers, J. Nasirl, E.
Nelson, A. NIcolelll, N. Paris, D, Paulus, D, Pearson, P. Pow­
ers, S. Reid, T. Rombough, E. Rowllnson, J. Schalk, J. Schalk,
J. Schlano, S. Selllnerl, L. SIndonI, A. So, C. Spencer, S. Spra­
gue, M. TuccI, B. Varlabedlan, J. VendIttI, C. Yokes, M. Wil­
son, C. Zavaglla, A. Agnello, D. Bader, 1, Barber, R, Barrett,
L. Ballaglla, N. Bennetl, J. BersanI, C. Bigelow, F. Callva, M.
Cauchon, J. Cavale, B, Changlal, N. Collins, L. CopanI, M.
Cormier, J. Crisatulll, R. Desantis, S, Dean, M, DembowskI,
N. Donnelly, B. Dublin, A. Easterly, L. Engst, E. FInelll, N, Franks,
R. Gallardo, A. Ganoung, E. Geiss, K, Glardina, M. Gllsson,
A, Gorman, T. Gormel, S. Harris, M, Hart, S, Holloway, E,
Howe, E. Huling, T. Humpleby, C. lannolo, P. Kelley, M. Kroll,
J, Lange, K, Mackowsky, A. Marrero, C. Marsallo, K. Martin,
J. Mills, K. Moore, K. Murphy, J. Nasirl, K. Nave, D, Nelson,
T. Nlland, Z. Olon, M. Paulus, J. Penny, M. Penny, B. Ryan,
R. Sander, J. Schlosser, E, Temple, M. Verone, J. Walker, L.
Walker, A. Weiss, M. WIchmann, T. Wright
Under the leadership of SADD president Anthony Ador-
nafo, the CBA community participated In numerous spe­
cial events, including a talk from former football player
Mike McCoy.
The senior lock-in was a
time for anything but
sleeping. Ron Gonzalez,
Jim Tanner, and several
other seniors chose to
engage in a friendly
game of basketball.
It did not take long for the
“locked-in” seniors to
grow tired. Brendan
Chambers and Tony
Adornato are already
looking bewildered.

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