Page 157 - CBA 1996 YEARBOOK
P. 157
S.A.D.D. 7 & 8
J. Banott, J. B&llandl, C. Brouer, M. Burkhaus&r, M. CapozzI,
A. Canos, J. Cerlo, J. Chapman, K. Chase, M. CorPIshley,
E. Coyne, K. D'OrazIo, C. Deapo, A. Donnelly, J. Downs, R.
Dully, S. Bade, L, EngnsI, M. Erwin, D. Federico, C, Fenis, A.
Fliers, A. Gelburd, R. Ghaly, K. Gradovllle, K. Greeley, J.
Gunerman, T. Haskell, G. Hickson, P. Holmes, J, Huling, B.
Jones, C. Kelley, D. Kennedy, A. Korzyp, N. Kulba, J. LaGrow,
J. Law, A. Lazipone, M. Lazipone, T. Malay, M. Mason, P.
McGowan, P. McKeon, M. Murphy, J. Myers, J. Nasirl, E.
Nelson, A. NIcolelll, N. Paris, D, Paulus, D, Pearson, P. Pow
ers, S. Reid, T. Rombough, E. Rowllnson, J. Schalk, J. Schalk,
J. Schlano, S. Selllnerl, L. SIndonI, A. So, C. Spencer, S. Spra
gue, M. TuccI, B. Varlabedlan, J. VendIttI, C. Yokes, M. Wil
son, C. Zavaglla, A. Agnello, D. Bader, 1, Barber, R, Barrett,
L. Ballaglla, N. Bennetl, J. BersanI, C. Bigelow, F. Callva, M.
Cauchon, J. Cavale, B, Changlal, N. Collins, L. CopanI, M.
Cormier, J. Crisatulll, R. Desantis, S, Dean, M, DembowskI,
N. Donnelly, B. Dublin, A. Easterly, L. Engst, E. FInelll, N, Franks,
R. Gallardo, A. Ganoung, E. Geiss, K, Glardina, M. Gllsson,
A, Gorman, T. Gormel, S. Harris, M, Hart, S, Holloway, E,
Howe, E. Huling, T. Humpleby, C. lannolo, P. Kelley, M. Kroll,
J, Lange, K, Mackowsky, A. Marrero, C. Marsallo, K. Martin,
J. Mills, K. Moore, K. Murphy, J. Nasirl, K. Nave, D, Nelson,
T. Nlland, Z. Olon, M. Paulus, J. Penny, M. Penny, B. Ryan,
R. Sander, J. Schlosser, E, Temple, M. Verone, J. Walker, L.
Walker, A. Weiss, M. WIchmann, T. Wright
Under the leadership of SADD president Anthony Ador-
nafo, the CBA community participated In numerous spe
cial events, including a talk from former football player
Mike McCoy.
The senior lock-in was a
time for anything but
sleeping. Ron Gonzalez,
Jim Tanner, and several
other seniors chose to
engage in a friendly
game of basketball.
It did not take long for the
“locked-in” seniors to
grow tired. Brendan
Chambers and Tony
Adornato are already
looking bewildered.