Page 172 - CBA 1996 YEARBOOK
P. 172

Morning meet-
Ings, morning
^ These year­
book staffers
wait for the
room to be un­
Co-Editor In Chief
Nicole Hanley Is
spied out of the
yearbook head­
quarters on a Tues­
day morning. What
will Ms. McGInty
rare It Is that we get to see the man behind the camera.
i•. ^w
This year's yearbook staff, under the guidance of
CBA's facuity member Ms. Caryi McGinty, worked ex­
tremely hard and diiigentiy to prepare an exceiient
remembrance book for the ciass of t996. The editors,
as weii as the other staff members, aii spent an enor­
mous amount of time to prepare for deadiines and to
create a perfect yearbook for the facuity and student
body. Aithough the yearbook groupies had an enor­
mous amount of work to accompiish in such a short
period of time, they stiii managed to have some fun
aiong the way. Late night iayouts with Littie Caesar
and morning munchies over some interesting tunes was
aii a part of the fun. Thanks to the staff for their effort
and time in preparing such a beautifui yearbook.
Maria Dracker
Ace photographer Jeffrey Kirk Is caught In the act of taking pictures. How

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