Page 52 - CBA 1996 YEARBOOK
P. 52

 Marisa D’Orazio
V Softball 9-'12, Swimming 9-'l2, Student Senate
' l l Ski Club 9-10, Amnesty International 10-12,
SADD 10-12
Brian J. Demlein
Outdoor Traok 9-12, V Soocer 9-12, Freshmen
Basketball 9, Band 9-12, Newspaper 12, French
Club 11, Jazz Ensemble 10-12, SADD 9-12
Ferdinando M. DiFino
Tennis 9-12, Freshman Basketball 9, CYO Bas­
ketball 10-12, Gray Park Football 9-12, Titans Vol­
leyball 9-12, SADD 9-12, La Sallian Youth Group
9-10, Student Senate 10-12, NHS 11-12, Amnesty
International 11, Yearbook 10-11
Is that Dr. Uva? NO! It Is Michael Seeley, future physics nobel prize winner. He is testing the
instantaneous velocity of hooks, pulleys, and other odd looking metal things.
Julie A. Duesel
V Softball 9-10, Swimming 9, Chorus 10-12, Eric
Trust 11-12, Drama 9, 10, 12, Band 9-12, Ski Club
9-11, Yearbook 10-12, SADD 9-11, French Club
11, Teen Institute 10-12, Campus Ministry 11-12

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