Page 63 - CBA 1996 YEARBOOK
P. 63

 Gregory Micale
Kicking back and
taking it easy has al­
ways been Jason La-
chut’s motto in life.
Even with three AP
classes he appears
not to have a care in
the world.
I'm sure your expecting a write-up on all
those hippie group shows that have been at­
tended by many seniors, seeing as this article
is about the concerts seniors went to; Phish,
The Allman Brothers, with Rusted Root and
Dave Mathews Band had many more seniors
attending than the following show.
Quicksand at the Lost Horizon completely
transformed the nice, lovable Butch Seeley,
Jeff Laguzza, and Jordan Thomas into ani­
mals. We moshed the night away, whiie con­
tinually being shoved off balance for two and
a half hours. We were shoving back with fun-
loving anger.
I'm sure Phish was fun, but Quicksand was
much more of a healthy release. Moshing is
James Morey
Memorizing her lines
for forensics, Dana
Candell takes a mo­
ment to grin for the
JV Basketball 10, Freshmen Basketball 9, EGOS
11-12, SADD 9-12, Amnesty International 9-12
what we love. Deal with it.
Jeffrey Laguzza

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