Page 73 - CBA 1996 YEARBOOK
P. 73

 If you had any doubfs as
to Tim Quanfrille's where­
abouts, the pounding
beat of his automotive
sound system atways
gives it away.
Emilie Wiesner
Matt Wietlisbach
V Soccer Q-IO, Golf 9, 10, 12, La Sallian Youth
Group 9-12, Student Senate 11, Amnesty Inter­
national 9-12, Ski Club 9-12, SADD 9-12, Young
Republicans 11
Eric W. Will
Golf 9-12, JV Soccer 9-10, Newspaper 11-12,
SADD 9-12, Amnesty International 9-12, NHS 11-
12, Junior Achievement 10-12

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