Page 66 - CBA 2012 YEARBOOK
P. 66
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Cameron Astralaga MacPherson
Here's to friends I'll remember forever, to nights we'll never forget,
Here's to memories that will never fade, to jokes that will never grow old,
Here's to the family that got me here, to the family I found as I leave
Here's to four great years that went by way too fast thanks and love Mom Mac Suz
Miranda C. Magley
"Life is not made up of a single moment,
it's made up of a gazillion moments.
What defines us is the choice we make in the next moment, and the one after that."
- Psych
Mom, Dad, Liza, &Julia - I love you!
Thanks for all of your support!
Student Senate 9-12/Peer Ij^inistry 11 Society 11-12, Varsity Bo,wliff^H-12, Ji
* 9-fb
*JVFootball 9-10, VFootball U-l2, Fl Basketball 10, V BasketlMillH12'M V SalsaClub10,12,SkiClub9/!^egtchi
, •11, National Honor Socie^l^-] Children's Rights C*(ffe
sketball 9, JV yral Club 10-12,
PeerMinistry Musical 12,
Patrick B. Mahar
"Don't ever let somebody tell you that you can't do something if you got a dream go and get it." Mom, Dad, Tom, and Sarah thanks for all the support and love. To all my friends I love every one of you guys and I'll miss the past six years we have had together. CBAFOOTBALL2011 it was a great season you're my family and I love you all. I won't say goodbye I'll just say until we meet again. Best of luck Seniors 2012
Carly M. McCarthy
It's something unpredictable
but in the end it's right.
I hope you had the time of your life,
mom, dad, cat&lis love you couldn't have done it w/out you. QTF. cem bids<3 guys&gals, ive known it from the moment that we met,
no doubt in my mind where you belong.
Seniors '12 love you all
PootbfJil 9
ty Football 10-12, JV Lacros^
b"10, Iritamurals 9-12, MulticiSp!^! Qul
10, LaSallian Yolith 9-10, Peer Ministry 2'fPeer Tutoring 11-12, AA'Club 9-10
SL'-t. it -.*4-