Page 23 - CBA 2013 YEARBOOK
P. 23

CBA Drama presents the story of "Antigone," a Greek tragedy written by Jean Anouilh. Creon (Cole Speidel), the king of Thebes, puts his own brother, Polynices, to death. As he lets Polynices die without a burial, he threatens to kill anyone who attempts to bury him. Antigone (Katie Rivito), Creon's niece, refuses to let her brother rot to death. She goes against his word in order to let her brother sleep soundly. The Chorus (Sid Perkins) opens this tragic story as it quickly escalates into a highly riveting plot. le Nurse (Bella Corieri), Ismene (Molly Reff), ion (Patrick Tuohey), Jonas (Joe Dwyer) and o guardsmen (Sal Zarella and Katie Willard), ^ the little Page (Anna Do), the Messenger (Brian Jordaafhqid Eurydice (Kiersten Kennedy) step into
^ ow' one of the best CBA drama plays is rakiL.-v performed.

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