Page 67 - CBA 2013 YEARBOOK
P. 67
Taylor L. Poplawski Joseph A. Potenza
My wish for you is that this life becomes all that you want it to, your dreams stay big and your worries stay small, you never need to carry more than you can hold, and while you’re out there getting where you're getting to, I hope you know someone loves you and wants the same things too. This is my wish *LAX<3
Spanish Club 9-11, MVP 11-12, Peer Ministry
11-f2, JV Basketball 9, Varsity Basketball 10-12,
“Wealth is in the mind not the pocket” Thank you friends and family.Mom. Dad. Marissa.Chris.Nick. A.Matt.
Shout out to all of the boys and girls. It’s been real Good luck seniors.
We out.
Varsity Soccer 9-12, JV Basketball 9, Varsity
Basketball 10-12, JV Lacrosse 9, Varsity Lacrosse
Varsity Soccer 9-12, JV Lacrosse 9, Varsity
Lacrosse 10-12, Lookin' Out Club 10
10-12, Spanish Club 9-11, MVP 11-12, Peer
Ministry 11-12, Lookin' Out Club 10-11
1 *
Matthew R. Preston
Above lies the picture that you will all look back to someday and show your kids. Yeah, you really did know Matt Preston! I love you all and hope that we keep in touch. The road ahead is scary, but it’s a challenge that must be accepted. Don’t worry
though... It’s going to be LEGEN. ..wait for it... Varsity Golf 9-12, Varsity Tennis 11-12, Spanish
Club 9-12, Engineering Club 10, Ski Club 9-12,
Peer Ministry 11-12, MVP 11-12, Yearbook 12,
“Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning”. W.C momdadlittle raz love you guys couldn’t of done it without you Guys&Gals thanks for the great memories laxers its been real loveyouall do great things class2013cba beat em’
Varsity Lacrosse 9-12, Varsity Football 11-12, JV
Varsity Bowling 12 *
CodyJ. Radziewicz
Football 9-10