Page 114 - CBA 1988 YEARBOOK
P. 114

 (above) Vickilee Savastino tries to get the TV to work.
(right) FBLA members look bored during a meeting.
Top row: Mr. J. Wleklinski, Paul Deischer, Eric Stelljes, Matt Mahoney, David Ciabattoni, Dave Mertens, Caroline Malek: Third row: Denise Baron, Liana Light, Joanne Farr, Denise Guinta, Missy Lugo, Kris Kalinowski, Katie Litwiler; Second Row: Tara Powers (Historian), Ann Spurrier (Secretary), Vickilee Savastino (President), Kara Colucci (Vice President), Jay Murphy (Parliamentarian), Geor- getta Mann (Treasurer): Bottom row: Mahera Mere
(Reporter), Kimberly Aust (Secretary)
Future Business Leaders of America
Future Business Leaders of America is an educa­ tional association made up of students pursuing careers in business. FBLA’s purpose is to bring business and education together in a positive work­ ing relationship.
It teaches students how to work with peers, adults, and other business people in our community in a
professional manner. It lets the students take charge and run their own club, their own activities, and even their own businesses.
Students actually get involved in the community by doing volunteer work for various organizations, competing with other schools, and working directly with the public.

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