Page 15 - Winter/Spring 2015 Issue
P. 15

RealiTEA Commentary,
There must be something about the name Moore because Chante Moore has gotten on everyone’s nerves and Kenya Moore has gotten on mine. I mean really if DESPERADO had an accompanying picture in the dictionary hers would certainly have to be next to. Now everyone who knows me knows I am not a hater, but I mean really this sister must need some counseling because clearly her issues are beyond self-help. My heart goes out to her. As for LAHH, they need new script writers and The VOICE put me to sleep this season. I am ALWAYS in the mood for some HUSTLE and FLOW and I was all too happy that EMPIRE could oblige. SHARK TANKs are waters you will always find me in and MARY MARY’s season was a little slow moving, but I remained loyal. I’ve never been a gladiator, but I will give Scandal a thumbs up anyway because their fans did.

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