Page 75 - Winter/Spring 2015 Issue
P. 75

The Last Word...
I am definitely a writer by nature. I grew up being labeled ‘the smart kid’, and from all accounts I was definitely one who could capably go a step further, measure up just a little bit beyond, and give considerably more than the status quo of peers in my circle. However, if you ask me, I was not the smartest, nor the prettiest, nor the best. In fact, growing up I was probably average, awkward, and quite ordinary.... Or at least so I thought.
What is different about me today, is that I am probably the most brutally honest, the realest, and the most well-intentioned person you’d ever meet. I am a person who is either extremely loved or completely hated. For some odd reason there is no in-between when it comes to first time meetings, casual introductions, and or recollections of some of my childhood interactions in junior high school, high school, and college. That is the way it always has been for me, and as an adult it has fared pretty much the same way, except in greater numbers on both sides.
What people fail to see, completely refuse to accept and seemingly are unable to grasp, is that success comes with a price that many are unaware of. I believe as human beings we are naturally attracted to the BRIGHT SIDE, the BLING, the BEAUTIFUL, the BOASTING, and the BOMB of everything that finds its way as a part of our paths. What is rarely evaluated or considered is the power behind that BLING, the sentiments behind the BEAUTIFUL, the force behind the BOASTING, and the magnitude of strength behind that BOMB. The BRIGHT SIDE illuminates and is always evidence of everything that’s going right with a person, in their world, in their career, and in the glean of their “moment”; but trust and believe all that glitters isn’t gold and there is a price being paid with every sparkle and shine. Along with that price comes a lot of SHADE.
While shade is a relatively ‘new’ concept in our recent urban vernacular, its premise is nothing new. I have been both party to and a victim of its impeccable ability to take the wind out of any sail, the air out of any balloon, and crush the very esteem of a person giving their last bit of effort and try to a dream and/or life unfulfilled. I have also developed the skill of learning how to let my light outcast and outshine any of the shade that finds itself near me, towards me, from me and by me.
What I have also developed is the skill of learning how to deal with the shade and use it for my benefit when it’s time to rest and remove myself from all that shine... when it’s time to retreat and make room for someone else to do the gleaning and when it’s time for me to take a deep breath and rediscover what shine is all about to begin with. Shine is about that glow that shimmers and glimmers from the inside out and once you’ve conquered the dark side of your insecurities and lower vibrations, you’ll be able to understand that there’s no such thing as throwing shade, only throwing away the best parts of who you are when you refuse to SHINE!
Stefany J. is an author, motivational speaker, and business consultant. ( |

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