Page 51 - Florida Concealed Carry Law
P. 51

 “What if they hopped the fence?” My response to that is, “Do you really want to kill someone just because they jumped your fence?”
Remember, our number one goal is to avoid using our firearm at all costs. Only when you are truly backed into a corner with no other option should deadly force be used.
When Should I Never Use a Gun?
I don’t know about you, but when I get really upset or emotional, it’s easy for me to make bad decisions. This highly emotional moment could be a verbal or physical altercation, road rage or something affecting your children. As of this writing, my daughter Paisley is 9 years old. She's finally at the stage where we allow her to spend the night at a friend’s house. This is an exciting time for her and a stressful time for me. If she ever came home and told me she had been touched inappropriately, my first instinct would be to grab a rifle and go kill the son of a @*%$&.
However, this would be an emotional reaction and not justified under the law. I have to think about situations like this to ensure that I don’t do something stupid in the heat of the moment. What are the high-emotion moments for you? How are you going to prepare yourself so that you don’t make a decision that could put you in prison?
What is Brandishing?
F.S. 790.10 Brandishing— If any person having or carrying any dirk, sword, sword cane, firearm, electric weapon or device, or other weapon shall, in the presence of one or more persons, exhibit the same in a rude, careless, angry or threatening manner, not in necessary self-defense...
Anytime you display or threaten to use your firearm in a situation not justified by Florida law, you are brandishing.
Here are some examples:
Road Rage
If someone cuts you off in traffic, and you pull up next to them screaming and you flash your gun, this is brandishing.
A Night on the Town
I had a student attend my class recently who took his girlfriend on a date.

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