Page 55 - Florida Concealed Carry Law
P. 55
The victim complied with the attacker and handed over his belongings. The attacker began to leave, turned around and shot the victim in the chest, fatally killing him. If you choose to comply, don’t sit around waiting for the bad guy to leave. As soon as their attention is off of you, run!
Scenario Three - Extreme Road Rage
You’re driving down the road in the worst traffic ever. You notice a car attempting to merge into your lane. This other driver seems to be oblivious to the fact that they are about to hit your vehicle, so you lay on the horn. The other driver swerves, narrowly avoiding a collision. You think maybe it was an accident. However, then the other driver gets behind you and begins honking, tailgating and giving you the finger. So, you do the thing that comes naturally in this situation: You brake-check him. This throws the other driver into a fit of rage. He pulls up beside you and begins threatening to kick your ass. All of a sudden, you’re at a red light, and the crazy man exits his vehicle and begins screaming at you, demanding that you exit the vehicle and fight him.
Should you:
A. Get out and fight him.
B. Draw your firearm and shoot through the glass.
C. Draw your firearm and point it at the aggressor.
D. Get on the phone with the police and attempt to get away.
A. Getting out of the vehicle and fighting this guy isn’t going to solve anything. You don’t know who this person is or what he’s capable of. This man may be willing to kill you over this situation. Stay in your vehicle.
B. If you pull out your firearm and shoot, you have to think about whether or not this situation will be justified under the law. Is it reasonable for you to believe the attacker is about to kill you? No, unless the attacker is verbally threatening to kill you, I wouldn’t think this would be reasonable. Is it reasonable to believe the attacker is about to cause great bodily harm? Not really. You’re safe and secure inside your vehicle. In my opinion, this would change if the attacker broke my window and came after me. Is it reasonable to believe the attacker is about to commit a forcible felony? If so, which one? Take a moment to review the list of forcible felonies. If the attacker is simply standing at my window making non-deadly threats, then no, I wouldn’t believe a forcible felony was about to occur.
C. You are only allowed to draw your weapon in a situation where you are