Page 62 - Florida Concealed Carry Law
P. 62

 Civil Trial
After your criminal trial, you're going to be sued by the attacker, if he or she is still alive, or the attacker’s family, if he or she is dead. Now, why would the attacker have a right to sue you? Because it’s America. You can sue anyone for any reason, and there's no shortage of shady attorneys who will take the case. Just because you won the criminal trial doesn’t mean you’re going to win the civil trial. If you lose, you may owe the attacker or his family hundreds of thousands of dollars in damages, plus legal fees. All this because you didn’t want to get raped or stabbed to death by some scumbag.
The U.S. Concealed Carry Association Membership
A few years ago, I received a phone call from my good friend’s wife at 11:30 at night. No, it wasn’t that! You have a sick mind. I woke up, saw that it was her and hung up. Then she called me back immediately. What does that tell you? I answered the phone, and she was crying. She said, “Ryan, Michael killed someone. He was leaving work when a man attempted to rob him. He drew his gun and shot the attacker in the chest.” The problem is that there were no witnesses, no cameras and the gun that Mike thought this guy had wasn’t a gun. Mike was arrested. What do you think his bail was set at for a self-defense shooting? $50,000. So how much money do I need to bail him out? $5,000. That is a lot of money. The next day, Mike and I met with attorneys to determine who he was going to hire and what it was going to cost. What do you think the minimum deposit is to hire an attorney for a self- defense shooting? $25,000 up front. The estimates he was given for the entire case were between $80,000 and $100,000. Most people simply don’t have that much cash lying around, and if you do, you probably don’t want to give it to an attorney. Mike was forced to sell his house to pull out the equity. Then his family, three kids and wife had to move in with his parents. That is extremely stressful. Mike's father gave him a loan for $75,000 to help him prepare for the remaining balance. After months of stress, Mike was found to be justified in his shooting, but he spent close to $80,000 to prove it.
This should tell all of you two things. First, using your firearm is a really big deal that is going to change your life forever. Pulling the trigger should never be a decision that is made lightly. Second, we need to have a plan for what we’re going to do after a self-defense shooting.
After Mike’s incident, I stumbled across a self-defense insurance policy. I currently pay $22 a month, and if I ever have to use my firearm in self- defense, this company will immediately bond me out of jail and appoint me

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