Page 8 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 8

Tags and Swipes, Spring 2021

       Boston Skyline Chorus (continued)

                                       BOSTON SKYLINE CHORUS: 60 YEARS CHARTER WITH
                                       SWEET ADELINES!!! This year we celebrate our 60 year chartr as a
                                       chorus. We can’t plan a big party due to the pandemic so we are going
                                       to have a year long celebration on social media! Be sure to check out
                                       our Facebook and Instagram page every week for a new post with
                                       tidbits of our history and photos.

         Middlesex Chorus from 1960 until 1972
         Liberty Belle Chorus: 1972- 2014
         Boston Skyline Chorus: June 2014- 2021 and beyond

         Bob Carter: November 1960 – September 1964
         Barbara Farrell: September 1964 – September 1966
         Patricia Malone: September 1966 until November 1971
         Dick Chacos: November 1971- November 1977
         Barbara Braxten:  November 1977 to May 2014
         Wendy Pachter: June 2014 – present

         It is fun for people that used to be part of our chorus to see the
         memories, but it is more exciting for those that do not know our
         rich and vibrant past to learn what the chorus went through and
         what we are and growing to become today! Each step of our
         journey adds a new layer to the community we have created. We
         are a bonded and vivacious chorus and Wendy is leading us with
         a strong education- based approach so that all can learn!

                                                              In Harmony,
                                                              Erin Blanchfield


                               North Atlantic Region 1 Sweet Adelines
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