Page 5 - Demo
P. 5

Port Log
All the calls handled by our French or Hub agencies are monitored through our on line port log applica on.
You can access at any  me, to the details of developments of your vessels, port calls, the history of our correspondence, the commer- cial and technical documenta on, analyse in details the perfor- mance of your port opera ons, compare to any other calls /
ports / periods.
The port logs are at your disposal fora minimum period
Terminal characteris cs
A data base of detailed characteris cs of all French ports terminals is at your disposal through a user-friendly applica on for a selec on according to your own criteria.
The detailed disbursement accounts are available on line on our web site together with copies of all suppor-  ng vouchers.
Detailed cross analysis of port costs through a user- friendly applica on enable our customers immediate comparisons between ports / periods / commodi es..
Our on line D/As remain at customers disposal for a minimum period of 10 years.
Sta s cs
Business intelligence is a key part of success and ports sta s cs are among the most valuable informa on for traders, shipowners, charterers..
But due  me informa on, reliability and geogra- phical scope of data are rarely available.
The scope and quality of our on line sta s cs applica-  on are unmatched.
The set-up of your detailed analysis of port calls / vo- lumes of tra cs per geographical zones / periods etc.. remainsunderyourfullcontrolthrougha userfriendly

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