Page 7 - MODULE 1 Q1MATH8
P. 7
What This Module is About
Factoring is an important process that helps us understand more about
our equations. Through factoring, we rewrite our polynomials in simpler form,
and when we apply the principles of factoring to equations, we yield a lot of
useful information (Google, 2019).
In this module, you will learn how to factor equations in different
methods, and how factoring allows you to solve real-life problems.
What I Need to Know
At the end of this module, you should be able to:
1. Factorcompletelydifferenttypesofpolynomials: (a.) polynomials with Common Monomial Factors, (b.) difference of two squares, and
(c.) sums & difference of two cubes (M8AL- Ia-b-1).
How to Learn from this Module
To achieve the objectives cited above, you are to do the following:
1. Carefullyreadallthelessons.
2. Takeyourtimetogothrueachlesson.
3. Answer the pretest honestly; the purpose of the pretest is for you to
determine your prior knowledge before going thru the lessons and
4. If you have a hard time understanding the lessons and activities,
please do take a break. Having breaks between lessons and activities
will give you some space where you can absorb the lesson well.
5. You can use the internet if you need more information about the